Lachlan + Sidemen- My Beautiful Boys Part 2

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

Just as I predicted, Oliver and Henry both awoke at 6 in the morning. They had both been sleeping in the bed beside me and as soon as they realised that hey, dad was in the bed too, they decided to pounce on me, squealing excitedly.

I squinted and mumbled at them to calm down but they didn't listen, they were off to explore the room and touch everything that was in it. I was alright with it simply because the guest room was mostly empty and there was no cables and wires, only the toy truck and crane I had bought in the night before.

Henry was the first to start driving his toy truck all over me, up and down my arms and over my stomach and down my legs, eventually Oliver joined him and suddenly I was a racetrack. It was nice because although they weren't quiet, they were making almost constant sound effects, they weren't being little terrors and waking everyone up.

They were playing nicely together for once in their lives, Henry wasn't being a pushover like he normally was. Of the two Henry was defiantly the more outgoing, the louder of the two and a lot of the time he was more brute force than three year old kids. Oliver was on the quieter side and he often asked questions about anything he saw, what's this and what's that.

"Daddy I'm hungry!" Oliver whined, crawling up onto my chest with his crane in hand.

"Alright, alright." I said, scooping him up into my arms and rolling over so I was pretending to squash him. "Oops, you're stuck now! You can't get up!"

He shrieked and giggled, Henry taking the opportunity to scramble up onto my back.

"Daddy!" He squealed, squirming underneath me. He wasn't being squashed or anything, he was just hyped up and excited, probably too much for it being 6am and several people being asleep on the same floor.

"Okay you two, remember to use your inside voices. There's people still asleep." Henry nodded and Oliver giggled, both of them taking my hand when I stood up to go downstairs. Just before I took them down I changed them into day clothes and pulled on a hoodie myself, trying to keep warm.

Oli was being a little clingy, he didn't want to let go of me so after a minute of trying to get him to walk down the stairs I scooped him up into my arms, carrying him. Henry was clinging to the pocket of my trackpants.

Josh was the only one awake in the house, he was sitting at the bench with a cup of coffee in hand. He smiled when I came in with the boys, Oli on my hip and Henry whining for food, moving over so I could sit down at the bench. I attempted to put Oli down but he started screaming, so I placed him on my lap while Henry jumped up and down, tugging on my sleeve and asking for something to eat.

"Do you want me get something from your car Lachlan? Oli isn't going to let you let him go any time soon." I sighed and nodded tiredly, holding Oli tightly. Henry was about to starting fitting, I could tell, so as a distraction I pulled my phone out of my back pocket for him to play with. I didn't log in or anything, he could just play guess the password or play with the camera app for a while.

"Please. That'd be great." I ran my hand through Oli's hair, watching as Henry fiddled with my phone, trying to find something to do with it. I wasn't worried about what he could do, I had locked the phone part so he couldn't call 999 even if he tried.

Josh came back a couple of minutes later with the bag that I had in my boot and as soon as Henry saw it he screamed in excitement, running at Josh and digging through the bag. He looked at me and I gestured at him to hand it for me, making sure that I was keeping a hold of Oli and I wouldn't tip him over.

"Henry." I said sternly, making him stop and look up at me. "Do you go digging around in my stuff?" He pouted but stopped doing what he was doing thankfully, meaning I didn't have to keep at him. "Alright, do you want something to eat?"

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