Mitch & Jake (Chanzes x Brawlator)- So Cold Part 2

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Mitch's P.O.V.

During my panic about Lachlan, Jake kept his distance so I could sort mine and my brothers shit out, getting him warm and into bed namely. Lachlan had crept out of bed sometime during the night, only a few hours after Rob had tucked us together in the same bed, because I had refused to uncurl from my tight position in the corner of the bed.

I understood he wanted to cuddle but I just really didn't want to be touched, so after a couple of minutes of his hand scrabbling at my back he slipped from the bed and disappeared into Rob's room. It was only a minute later that Jake peeked his head around the door.

"Everything alright? I saw Lachlan in the hall." I sighed but nodded, rubbing my face. My anxiety was still high after everything and I didn't want to sleep, my brain kept flicking back to the horror on Rob's face when he realized Lachlan wasn't in the point, my panic that snapped me right out of my sleepy state.

Jake came and sat down on the edge of the bed, reaching over to squeeze my shoulder.

"What's up? I know something's wrong, don't try to hide it." I sighed again and buried my head deep in my pillow, my shoulders tense.

"I just... I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep. I'm super strung out." I mumbled, closing my eyes. "I don't think I've ever panicked that much in my life."

Jake gave me a small smile and swung his legs up on the bed so he could move closer to me, still rubbing my shoulder.

"I understand that." He said gently. "I think I almost fell off the jet ski because I was panicking so much."

That earned a slight giggle but that faded out when the anxiety came back, my fingers shaking. I closed my eyes.

"Do you wanna come and watch a movie in the living room? I think Grace and Ilsa are still up." I nodded slowly, sitting up. "Come on then."

Jake took my hand and helped me up from the bed, grabbing a blanket before we left the room to tuck around my shoulders. As it turned out Grace and Ilsa weren't up, they must have just gone to bed, so it was only Jake and I up now.

"What movie?" He asked, grabbing the remote from the coffee table.

"Something kid friendly." I mumbled, pulling the blanket up over my head. "Animation?"

It took him a couple of minutes to pick Moana, and I giggled. He turned back to me with a grin on his face and settled onto the couch beside me, pulling an edge of the blanket up to tuck it him around him too. It only took me a minute to relax and lean against him, the music of Disney washing over me, distracting me from the anxious feelings.

I didn't notice for a little while that Jake was running a comforting hand over my arm, occasionally reaching up to play with my hair. I had been so intensely focused on the movie that I hadn't felt his gentle touches but when I did notice my cheeks flushed red, looking away while I hoped he hadn't noticed my embarrassment. I didn't think he had because he continued to play with my hair, his eyes fixed on the television.

I barely made it half way through the movie before my head started nodding onto my chest, Jake's hand pausing every time it dropped. After a couple of minutes of my head falling down and then jerking back up when I woke because of the movement, Jake gently pulled my head against his shoulder, stopping it from falling again with his hand against my neck. I sighed quietly, happily. Jake laughed quietly.

"Sleep tight Mitch." He whispered, running a finger over my cheek. "Sleep tight."


Jake must have carried me back to bed at some point because when I woke up I was tucked in tightly, the curtains barely cracked open. I was completely alone, I assumed Lachlan had slept in Rob's room, and Jake had probably gone to his shared room with Elliot.

I slipped from my bed and pulled the blanket, that I still had for some reason, Jake had tucked me in with it, down the stairs with me. As it turned out Jake hadn't gone to bed in his shared room to sleep, he had actually slept on the couch. He was only half waking up, rubbing his eyes and yawning, half his attention on a movie. He looked up and saw me, smiling.

"Mornin' Mitch." He yawned, patting the couch beside him. "You sleep alright?"

"Yeah." I whispered, leaning against him like I had the night before. "I did."

He tucked his arm around my waist, leaning against me as well.

"Are you feeling okay now? You were pretty drained last night."

"Yeah, I think I'm alright. I was just worried last night... Lachlan's alright though." He reached up and squeezed my shoulder, smiling again.

"I understand that, it's okay. You were worried about him which is perfectly normal."

Lachlan and Rob came down for breakfast not long after our small conversation, both looking tired but happy. Lachlan was leaning quite heavily against Rob but he gave me a small smile, reassuring me that he was in, in fact, all right and he wasn't just playing.

"See." Jake whispered, rubbing my arm. "He's alright. No more need to worry."

I sighed happily and closed my eyes, leaning up against him.

"Thanks Jake." I mumbled.

"That's quite alright."

I jumped when he leaned down and pressed a small kiss to my cheek but looked away when my cheeks flushed bright red, embarrassment flooding my face. Jake grinned and kissed me again, his hands sneaking into mine.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." He whispered, his mouth right next to my ear. "How long I've wanted to kiss you."

I didn't say anything more- I didn't have to- all I had to was lean up and kiss him, my hand moving to wrap around his shoulders. Jake kissed back and when we pulled away both of us were bright red, giggling and also super embarrassed because when I turned my head I could see my brother, arms folded and an eyebrow raised, standing in the doorway. Jake flushed even redder at his look, still giggling. All Lachlan did was roll his eyes and leave us be, shutting the door gently behind him.

"Well, I guess I'm going to face the wrath of your brother." He whispered.

"You won't. I won't let him do anything but don't doubt that he'll give you a talking to. He's protective." Jake smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'll be prepared for it."

There was a comfortable silence for a few minutes, all my emotions catching up to me. My heart was still pounding my stomach felt like it was full of butterflies- god, how had I missed how I felt for so long?

Jake pressed one last gentle kiss to my cheek before he settled back against the pillows, his attention once again on the movie. I sighed happily, settling back against him.

Yeah. I liked this.

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