Vikklan- A Big Misunderstanding

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I met Lachlan online when we were just 17 years old, young and naïve and not even old enough to drink. We became fast friends and although we had never met each other in person it felt as if I had known him for my entire life, we knew everything about each other.

We messaged other and spent hours in calls together, we sent photos and talked in video chats so I knew who I was talking to and he knew he was talking to me. But somehow, I found myself falling for the handsome blonde Australian boy and by the time we reached 21, it was a little more than a crush.

I got mixed signals from his end, on one hand he ended every call with I love you, he went red every time I gave him a compliment and he told me he was bi but on the other he had said he had never considered getting into a relationship with a guy, I often heard a girl in his house who sounded about his age who he seemed quite attached to and he also once told me that he didn't really get crushes.

It was frustrating but I never gave up hope, even though I knew the chances of us ever getting together, hell even meeting face to face, were slim to none. But still, I held onto the sliver of hope that someday, maybe things would be different.

It was less than a month away from my 22nd birthday when Lachlan called me in the middle of the recording with the Sidemen, not even able to sit still. He screamed down the phone that he and his family would be coming up to the England next month, to London, and that we would be able to meet in person!

I had screamed in excitement and danced around my room, so excited that I would finally meet the boy that I had been crushing over for years in person, and I couldn't wait. Lachlan and I talked about it for weeks and the day he left Australia, I couldn't sleep that night.

The rest of the Sidemen could sense my excitement because the next morning, when I was exhausted but bouncing around like I had just had 8 cups of coffee, they giggled behind my back. They told me to bring him back after we had spent time together to meet him.

"Hey Lachlan?" I had called the boy, trying to find out where he was. "Where are you?"

He and his family had got a taxi to the hotel they were stayed at because they had arrived at 4am and didn't want to make me get up. Lachlan had agreed to meet me at the botanic gardens at 10am, giving me time to get up and also time for him to rest up, have a nap.

"I'm standing beside a river." He said, his voice wavering as he swung his head from side to side. "There's a restaurant just down the path and there's a greenhouse too."

"Alright, I know where you are, I'll be there in a minute!" I said, hanging up the call. I wanted to run but I held myself back, I was only a few hundred metres away from him.

As I rounded the corner I saw him standing on the banks of the river but what surprised me was that there was a girl standing beside him, her hand in Lachlan's. I blinked, she looked about the same age and as she laughed, I realised I recognised that voice. It was the girl that I had heard in the background of our calls, the one he was so close too.

Lachlan had said he didn't have any siblings, or rather he had never said much about his family and I didn't actually know, but he should have mentioned it by now, shouldn't he?

Lachlan lit up when he saw me, turning to girl and waving goodbye, hugging her quickly and an almost taunting "I love you" echoing through the wind. He then turned and ran to me, squealing in excitement and hugging me so tightly that I almost choked. I hugged him back, smiling.

Now that we were together I picked up some things that I hadn't been able to see over the computer. He was tall, I knew that already, but he was so tall that I had to tip my head back to see his face properly, he had the same piercing blue eyes that I had seen on the screen and he had huge hands and a warm body that made me feel so comfortable beside him, like it wasn't the first time I had ever met him.

But the one thing I noticed that I couldn't have known on the screen, was his smell. He smelled like pine needles and mint, like the forest he lived next to and the stick of gum that he always seemed to have in his mouth. He always had a box of mint gum on him, no matter the situation.

Lachlan pulled away and for a few seconds we stared at each other, silly and stupid grins on our faces. He squeezed me tight again, squealing.

"I can't believe your finally here!" He yelled, making me smile and hug him back, but there was something in my heart that was reluctant.

He had a girlfriend. I thought I knew him but apparently not, he didn't even trust me enough to tell me that he had a significant other and that mad me sad. I hesitated when he took my hand and pulled me to follow him along the path, over to the huge tree where we had agreed to eat lunch.


The day went alright, I suppose, but I was still sad and maybe a little angry. I was reluctant to get close to him and I did see some sadness in his eyes when I refused to get close to him, making me feel even worse because I didn't want him to know.

At home I introduced Lachlan to the Sidemen and although they got along well, I saw the sideways glances that Lachlan sent me when he was talking to them, the concerned looks that flashed across his face when I refused to look him in the eyes. He really was scared for me.

After an hour or so he finally stood up and took my hand, leading me out of the room and upstairs into his room, the guest room. I didn't say anything and just followed his lead, sitting on his bed just as he did and waiting for him to speak.

"Look Vikk... I've been waiting almost 5 years to confess this and now we're together I think this is the right time..." He paused, going red. "I love you Vikk and I think I always have."

I didn't know what to say. For fucks sake Lachlan, you have a girlfriend! I had been getting mixed signals from him for years but now that he had flat out told me that he liked me I had to say something, I had morals after all.

"But... what about that girl?" He frowned and stared at me, clearly very confused.

"What...? What girl? I have no idea who you're talking about." I raised my eyebrow but he seemed genuinely confused as to what I was talking about.

"You know? The girl you turned up with? Your girlfriend?" He blinked and then a look of realization came over his face.

"Ohhhhhh! Vikk that's not my girlfriend!" He cried, leaning forwards and laughing. "That's my sister! We're only a year apart, she's older and we're really close!"

I went red and clapped my hand over my mouth, suddenly realising my stupid and dumb mistake. Well shit, turns out he didn't have a girlfriend. I felt like an idiot and I lowered my head, going red all the way up to the tips of my ears.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Lachlan!" I said, mortified. "I didn't realise!" He giggled.

"It's fine Vikk, it's fine." He said, smiling a little just thinking about it. I went red again.

There was a comfortable silence between the two of us until I realised that I hadn't answered his question earlier, during his confession.

"But Lachlan... in answer to your question before..." His head shot up. "I love you too." He smiled.

"And all it took was a big misunderstanding."

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