Mitchlan- Close

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Lachlan's P.O.V.

It was no secret to anyone that Mitch and I were close, like attached-at-the-hip kind of close that you might expect from identical twins or romantic partners. But obviously we were neither, we were just brothers who happened to live together and were super close.

We now worked the same jobs, recording or streaming on YouTube and Twitch and living together allowed us to help each other out when we needed it because we understood what the other was going through. We were so close, in fact, that it wasn't unusual for me to fall asleep in Mitch's bed or for him to fall asleep in mine. Neither of us minded, actually we loved it.

"Lachy?" I looked up from my desk to see Mitch standing in my doorway, his arms folded.

"Yo?" I questioned, wondering what he was up too. It was evening and I was getting a little hungry, but I had planned not to eat dinner until I finished editing my video.

"I'm ordering pizza, you want one?" I nodded. "Beef and onion?" Again I nodded, he knew me well enough to know which pizza I got. I had got the same pizza every time we ordered since I was a teenager, so of course he knew. "Cool. Should be here in about half an hour, I'll call you then."

"Thanks!" I called as he walked away, a lot happier because of the thought of a nice pizza headed my way very soon. "You're awesome!"

"I know I am!" He called back, sounding very smug. "And you love me for it!"

I rolled my eyes at his words, even though they were true. He was a pretty freaking awesome brother.


The second the smell of pizza hit my nostrils I took off down the stairs, bouncing happily because I was hungry and I wanted food. I grinned at the pile of food Mitch was holding because along with two pizzas he had bought a box of fries and- something that made me bounce even more- garlic bread.

"Yes!" I crowed. "Mitch you're fucking amazing!"

He smiled and rolled his eyes and I followed him like a puppy into the kitchen, watching intently as he split the chips and garlic bread in half because otherwise we would fight over every last piece. He then handed my pizza and a plate with my half of the other food to me, chucked the bottle of tomato sauce at me and then followed out into the living room.

"What movie?" I asked through a mouthful of garlic bread even though I hadn't sat down.

"Uhhhh something Disney?" He shrugged. "I'm tired. I just want something kid friendly."

"Well I mean we were gonna watch something for kids anyway, considering you are one." I said nonchalantly, laughing when he turned to me with such an offended and aghast look that it was almost serious. "I'm kidding Mitch, which movie?"

"The Incredibles." I laughed, that was his favourite movie when he was about 7, just over a year after it had come out. I was 8 or 9 at the time and I had loved it too, just not as much as he had.

"Of course. Still obsessed?" He nodded and laughed, flopping down on the couch opposite me.

We tucked into the food, food that we really weren't supposed to be having considering we lived inside and barely got out, and we knew we really shouldn't but we were adults- adults in massive quotation marks- and who was going to stop us?

"This is good." I mumbled through a mouthful a pizza as the movie began. "You're a lifesaver Mitch."


Mitch hadn't been in the mood for streaming that evening and I had to finish editing my video, so I helped him clamber into my bed and tucked him in like a little kid. He was tired and slightly woozy from the amount of food he had just eaten so I wasn't surprised when he passed out hard within a couple of minutes.

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