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                                  -On Earth, in the hidden continent of Hyperborea..-

Darkness covered the entire land: every creature attacked humans and manmade creations. People are forced to hide indoors and fend off the creatures, the only fortunate event, is that the animals don't destroy their homes and hiding places, though: the streets are now littered with angered, violent creatures... horrific fights break out in a attempt to take back the kingdoms, but this resulted in horrific injuries and death.... This entire time, people were angered, scared, and demanding a answer from the princess of Castiel...

The King and queen both asked and eventually demand a answer, too... Lora told them exactly what God said: after a week, light will return. People rioted and attempted to kill her in this time, in sheer annoyance and raging fury, many arguments broke out from this, too... Lora though, stayed loving and calm... eventually, orders were put out to utterly destroy the people attempting to take her life. Earnest and Olivera listened to their daughter, despite still living in fear and worry.. and only hoped she was right.. Still much hate and ridicule came from everywhere else... either in toxic conversations around and/or directly to her... or straight up terrible surprises upon hearing or seeing hate crimes about to committed upon her, but were stopped before they could get in the castle... Lora could only take all in stride and pray that people won't completely lose themselves in the dark... while looting, rapes and murder went on outside it was clear humans seemed to act no different, and even worse than the creatures that are killing them... Things got bad quickly in a single week... The coming and going of days were unknown, too.. due to constant dark day and night...

Until one night: the moon slowly but surely became visible! As if it was in a eclipse, something moved from in front of it and brightened the night sky, softly again! The stars do, too! People immediately start celebrating and apologizing to each other for their unspeakable horrors! Some were excited to sleep and await to see the sun arise and confirm that everything's back to normal, others are too excited to and stay awake until 4:00 AM... That day... the 7th day of the week: The sun rose again over Hyperborea! Celebrations are going on everywhere and... as God said: it was like nothing happened...

While people are fully aware of what happened and the magical-conscience turning against them.. everybody who died since the attack from legion up until now, are back to life! No one remembers the deaths at all.. The damage's undone, too.. save for what happened before legion. People immediately attempt to fix their land, and restore it to it's physical-spiritual state: while not everybody joins in... the affect from every kingdom significantly restores most of the land, cleaning and reducing what they're doing, too: The less they are like the rest of the world, the better the land becomes.. Some people Lora meets also suddenly feel very light and at peace upon speaking with her... Not only do their efforts become simple and easy to do, their personalities become more pure in most cases: their intentions are clear and what they're thinking seems to come out in a loving way, similar to how Yahwen and Noella sometimes are... The people Lora has helped, and others seem to have put Hyperborea on a track that should lead to many years of peace for them and their descendants... Everybody's happy and excited for the future, except....

The princess... while others are happy or upset depending on what they're doing... no matter what Lora does... she feels a emptiness when she's alone... While she does love her family and friends very much, a loneliness spreads over her every time she isn't with someone... She always feels upset when she's not spreading her love to others around her, and it isn't only because of her getting used to having a team around her, nor is it from her being the only person in her exact position.. it's because she can never see the only one she fell in love with.. for if the demon was on Earth.. he would surely be hunted...   

                          Several months later... One evening: Lora looks up into the sky... 

"I'm so happy that everything's better than before... Campe's children are making a recovery and people are making a effort to be better! Everything's much more livelier and lighthearted, too... it is as if we are living in a different world.... but... every time I am alone... every time I walk into a alley, in a backstreet... in the dark... I feel this painful sensation inside me... It is as if my heart's being stabbed, I try to alleviate this feeling by being around others, but.. as of late it feels like I will cry at any moment and time... Why does everybody else get to be happy and we do not? Whenever I look into the sky or into the dark, my thoughts go to our time together and our feelings for each other...I even admit I doubted my feelings from even in Eden.. but now I know: I love you, Wit... And I sorely wish it was possible for you to live with me, peacefully... As of now, it hurts every time I try to reminisce about our ventures... And every time I am alone..."

                        Lora goes back into the castle...   

Meanwhile... Wit watches her from heaven... Now: the demon has learned magic, alchemy and many other things, thanks to the environment he's in... He's watching Lora via his omnivison.. After watching her go back into the castle... he grimaces "Every time I check on you, you feel my presence... I hate being away from you, and I want to see you whenever I can.. but... it seems to only hurt you.." He realizes... Wit then looks away from space.. as Yahwen's and Noella's voices echoes in the background... The demon starts to walk away from the edge of heaven as he looks forward with a battle-worn scowl... His chain then floats in the air like a scarf, due to a heavenly breeze...

"I love you so much, Lora... And now I probably won't get a chance to tell you: there's no reason for me or the girls to go to Earth, since it's not as horrific as it was before.. Our Earth is alright now: I'll might never be able to speak to you, ever again... As of now, I'm still sufferring: Abnegation."

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