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                                              -The group awes at what the Engel explains..-

"We've been expecting you to come! he tittered. Ron then asks "Wait... so...this giant-island REALLY exits and you... Engels have been lookin' at us, like astrologists look at the stars??". Strix replied "Yes... except: we have more... contact... or are more responsive to what you're saying and doing, than we could of the heavens... We know fully what happened to Earth and the few areas that still exist in the Spiritual-Physical realm... Like Atlantis...", Jade awes "Wait, you can see every part of the world from here??" she asks. The Engel replies "Yes... as you can see every part of the Milky-Way from the Earth... at least, due to the planet's revolving. But to get to the point: Lands like the afore mentioned also purely existed normally/preternaturaly, until ...they brought on the Magical-conscience's karma and dropped into the water...", the others awe too, as he explains "Many lands have lost the spiritual-part and have become a physical part of Earth... some get it back, but are uninhabited by human-life...". Lancelot arches his eyebrow "So ya seen this happen before? Why didn't they do shit to help themselves?!", Strix smiles-sadly "They couldn't contact the Father... they tried, some even found out about Eden... But they didn't make it, or their intentions were too impure...". 

The group wondered at what he meant: the people had to believe and wanted to save their land, right? Strix notices their expression and further explains "They didn't believe in our Father, neither did they truly care about their own or other lives: Love must start in yourself, and they lacked that, neither did any truly want to save their home. And were stopped by our Guardian: Camael". The paladins all suddenly realized: They were stopped when they approached the garden... something was wrong... They look at each other, now filled with doubt and suspicion until Strix laughs slightly "Don't worry, humans! You made it here alive, so you must have good intentions... If you've crashed, it might only be a problem with your aerial-device!", Jade sighs slightly... then replies as she turned towards him "This is great and junk... But How does this get us closer to G... I mean: the Father?". 

Strix smiles as he finally says "Yes... You must remember: people used to sacrifice to Him, until after Christ Jesus.  But... at this time: our ancestors were still doing this, unaware completely of what was happening below.. That's when the Father directly spoke to them: explaining he'd talk to us as we talked to him. Our connection with Him became closer and we no longer needed to sacrifice our animals... But..." the group stares in wonder as he says "The method of our sacrifice and the area was lost to the garden: animals have eaten from the Tree-of-Knowledge-of-good-and-evil and have become like the creatures down there... So it's not possible to find the sacrificial area and learn what caused Him to directly speak to them in the first place... at least, not without bloodshed..."

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