The Desert Town: Augite

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                             -They walk into Augite, which was still as busy as before...-

Though the outpost and airport seemed more... peaceful, as compared to what they would see later... Lora exclaims as she looks around "This is exciting! I never been here before!", Lancelot laughs "Prob'ly because your dad's enemies with this damned place, of course he wouldn't bring his only daughter, here!". She then replies as she notices the relaxed nature and feel of the area "Yes... but he wos still worried before I left: if he really wos that scared, why let me go now?", the paladin explained as he took a few steps ahead "He believes you can take care of yerself, but he musta forgot about this place's castle-town!". Beltane runs up beside him "Is it filled with dangerous, dark-magic wizards?" she asks in excitement, Max runs up too "Is it teemin' with monsters?!" he asked. Lancelot smiles warmly, which looks slightly disturbing considering his personality "Awww, ya think it's that simple: that's why I wish he didn't send kids here: ya can fight, but what ya about to see ain't some simple violence that ya probably get used to, or even already seen... Aww shit... c'mon, ya'll see.", the group follows Lancelot into the town...

The princess and wizards awe at all the electric-signs and billboards that littered the streets. The castle-town with it's many: strip-clubs, brothels, casinos and bars, looks more like a huge red-light district than a place to live/community.. The few buildings made of sand, serve as homes for the civilians and are mostly in the alleys and backstreets.. there's even fewer for actually furnishing and buying homes... While a small handful of people modestly dressed for the hot days and freezing nights: it was more-so normal for men to only stereotypically wear baggy pants or jeans and turbans while going shirtless, while females all wear belly dancer uniforms and a small few wear hijabs... most people dressed this way/scantily: even the children... Lora wondered at the sights "...This is Augite?" she thought out loud... Beltane stares at a billboard as Max asks "What's up with that sign?" he points up to a stripper-club's neon billboard: which dictates a naked woman waving at passer's by. Lancelot smirked "You'll understand in a minute, now let's hurry: the king's waitin' for us to get back ." he replied, they head towards the castle-town as they caught evil glares and/or leers from the denizens that noticed them.. The group enters the castle-town walls...

Lancelot suddenly gestures for everybody to stop, a cold-murderous glare creeps across his face as he look into the magical, bustling area... "See that shadow?" he asks the other paladins.. They stand next to him, Lora peeks around the guards to see many shadows of pterodactyls gliding over... Beltane looks at Lancelot with concern "Maybe they're feeding them? Like with ducks at the park or something?" she asks hopefully... He answered "No, I wish it were that... But the magical-conscience is already greatly affectin' this town...", he then turns back toward her "But it ain't gonna hurt to be sure: We don't wanna barge in and kill someone's excitable pet. Ya'll guard the princess, me and the men will ask around...".

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