The Beige Demon

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-Ron dodges laser shots and chunks of fleet ships, as he tries to land...-

Meanwhile, Wit swims back up on the airstrip.. and sees Azazil waiting for him... He glares at the beige demon... "Shit." the white demon curses that he was there...

"Azazil is 6'6 and has the look of a stereotypical Christian-angel in art.. His skin and flowing blond hair, were atypical to a Caucasian-male. His blues were too, as opposed to normal demon-black eyes.. His beige-colored Phrynosoma-horns are hidden underneath his golden-locks. Most of the rest of his body is covered in a stereotypical-white-robe with gold-lace at the end, sleeves and paps, though it's easy to see his man-breasts under it. His hands and feet are neatly pedi and manicured, as opposed to most demons who don't care about their looks while in hell, the beige demon's tail is hidden underneath his robe, too.. it's end is shaped like a upside-down-cross with sharp edges.. His voice sounds like a adult human-male, as opposed to most other demons who sound horrific, and his tone is calm and pacifying..."

Azazil smiles warmly at Wit as he walks to him "Well, well my friend: you stepped where NO demon except our father: Lucifer has... in Eden! How does it feel??" he asked, the white demon tries to step back... but realize he just climbed onto the strip... he then glared at the beige demon replying "Who gives a fuck?!". Azazil laughed softly and replied "Imagine my surprise that you even know who I am!".. he touches his chin and looks toward the falling ships... "Then again, I expect you know your own siblings and bullies, well... And you only know me, because I'm famous, right? A captain of Hell's royal-army should be well known to even the lowest of demons.". Wit frowns as he yells "Stop fucking around, you know nobody needs me down there: why even go through all this!!?", the beige demon happily smiles "Because, nobody gets to defy Lord Lucifer! If he permits it: I'll eat you slowly, only leaving your heart, so you can regenerate to be eaten again.." he promised.. Wit gulps in horror as Azazil continues "And the most important reason you're needed, you heard this phrase: Misery Loves Company!!", the beige demon suddenly charged!! The white demon tries to go around him, but Azazil's tail almost shreds of his face!!!! Wit shudders as it tore through the cement easily and seem to have stretch all the way to the bottom of the sea!!? It retracts at the speed-of-sound, Wit quickly turns to look at the angelic-demon.. "Wiii-iit, if you run, I'll catch you. If you try to fight, you know what'll happen: I'll wait for you to make the right choice." he says with smiling-eyes... The white demon glares as he thought "That jackass probably reading my mind, there's no reason to not believe he's using magic.." ...Azazil smirked as he watches Wit... "Surely he isn't stupid enough to do anything but walk to me, right? I'm too hungry to play with him: I'll strike fast if he truly IS that retarded...". The white demon starts toward him, Azazil genuinely laughs as he fires his tail at him, Wit prepares to backflip! The beige demon laughs loudly as he thought "I knew it!", his tail aims at Wit, but the white demon suddenly backflips into the water... Azazil laughs again with a truly excited chuckle "Hahahahaha!!! That bastard!!! This'll be fun!", he leaped in the water... Meanwhile, the white demon curves towards Neptune... "If I try to swim away, that freak'll catch me: but he can't do whatever he wants if we're near humans!" he thought. Then quickly zooms to the sceptic system, the beige demon breaks through the surface and looks around... he then spots Wit and tries to freeze him!!! The ice stops at the vent going into the city... "Shit!! But that skinny dick underestimates my magic-abilities!" he thought, the white demon meanwhile, crawls through the sewer system... quickly escaping danger via crawling through sewage and solid-waste was nothing new to Wit... He crawls randomly through pipes that leads through people's homes: bathrooms, kitchens and fountains.. all of which briefly stopped up. Wit tries to find a exit to escape the beige demon, while simultaneously using humans as a shield to escape.. until he hears a explosion!!!? Wit turns to see fire coming through the pipe!!! He quickly hurries to another crossroads within the system and turns!! The explosion luckily doesn't reach him... "Goddammit!! He's using fire-magic! That's the only explanation why shit's blowing up, he's screwing with gas and crap!" Wit thought as he speeds faster through the tiny area, another explosion suddenly breaks through several pipes!! The white demon speeds up and passes through several crossroads to escape the hot-blast that's expanding quickly behind him, and reaches another exit... He quickly heads to it and slides back out into the water... unbeknownst to him, Azazil watches him crawl away "That idiot, he's within range of my x-ray vision! I'll make him shit himself good, and eat all back!!" he quickly phases through the pipes and cement, until he gets to the last pipe! He glared through the opening "I know he's there, I can hear his thoughts, but I know it must be only because he has a plan ready... so..." he thought, meanwhile... at this moment: Wit was right beside the pipe... he glared at the hole "Fuck... I can't think.. he knows where I'm at and what I'll do, I have to do everything on only reflex and instinct". The white demon then spits up his silver-sword and grips it tightly, letting his reflexes take over... The beige demon's tail suddenly crashes through the pipe, and tears the area up around it!! Wit only watches as it comes at him, he barely tilts to dodge the destruction, and let's himself get scratched up as it aims at non-vital parts... Until Azazil angrily leaps at him, Wit calmly turns and fires several beams: they cut off his arms and some of his face "Ha!!! You ran outta fuel, mook!!!" Azazil shouted, until a extra beam tears his head open! Wit smirks as he replies "I was so close to the fucking sun for HOURS dumbass!!" he replies as he shoots a beam straight through his burned-head and into Azazil's heart! It burns quickly, as Wit then swims away... the beige demon's tail writhes in pain and swings wildly, as it elongated!! Wit deftly and quickly dodges the swings as he gets to the surface... The tail swings once more, Wit leaps off the flat part of it and into the air, as Gerald's ship crashes and explodes in the background!! Water flies everywhere as Wit hovers onto the port.. then dove back into the sea to avoid other humans...

He then notices the small-plane coming in to land... and watches  from a safer part of the water...

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