Inna Gada Da Vida: 3

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                      -Wit and Lora  at the sudden change to Noella's body...-

The dark-goddess smugly explains "I can be anything, literally! And not because of stupid magic or dumb trick like you guys, do!", Wit ogles her breasts carefully... until she turns around "Now, let's go! We're wasting time!" Noella exclaimed as she shrunk to normal size.. Wit follows her closely as the dark-goddess sighs contently.. by now, she knew what Wit was thinking, and what he was going to do: she had no trouble helping out, either... 

The group finally makes it to the main part of the garden: the plant-life was overgrown, and gigantic.. Many creatures were everywhere, but as for the area they're in: Many different colored pandas, moths, praying-mantis and wolves were roaming the area! All are much bigger than normal.. "This place's amazing..." Lora says as she looks at trees towering over them.. Noella replies "Yeah, it's made for the original size of you humans... before ya got all stupid and junk... The animals are pretty freakin' ginormous, too!", Wit then slipped out "Unlike you..." at Lora... The princess almost stops following: Normally, Wit didn't act THIS annoying?? But the missions more important so she shrugs it off...

Almost a hour later, Wit and Noella have both been making fun of Lora at random.. this annoyed her, but after what happened in town... and knowing he's a demon, she keeps shrugging it off.. until they near the centre of the garden. here, the Tree-of-knowledge-of-Good-and-Evil & The-Tree-of-Life are seen!! The group walks up to the trees... "Alright, we're almost there, the alter should be a little ways from here!" Noella says. Lora huffs slightly, then asked "Wot happens if we eat from either?? Since the first two people already did?".. the princess was too curious to not ask, but still upset.. Noella replied "You'll realize alota stuff you didn't before, but like the animals: what you do with it is all your decision. You can continue actin' like all humans, do... or use your new knowledge to destroy the world! Or... be barbarians and eat people alive who get on your territory.." ... she smirks upon saying this and looking at the tree-of-knowledge-of-good-and-evil: It looks like a oak-tree with high and low branches, all with fruits that both grow on trees and/or anything else.. There's fruit on their that's unknow to mankind, too! Wit looks a the Tree-of-Life "And what happens if we eat from this tree??", Noella turns toward the tree.. "You'll become a immortal being... a god... But... since everybody's sinful, ya can't! It's one of the things Dad actually forces mortals and supernatural beings not to do...". Wit looks at the tree, too: It looks like a Tilia-miqueliana tree, with Tilia-nasczokinii flowers blooming around it's white-leaves... it almost looks like it's shining... Then the Dark-goddess warned "I see fruit pieces everywhere.. Something just ate from the bad tree... becareful...". the white demon glares at the pieces of eaten and torn-fruit, then back up at the woods!!

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