Moving up

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     -Wit crawls away, leaving the princess to traverse the fields alone...-

Lora replies "Awight...", she casually walks along the path, being in awe at how dirty and messy it looked... Until she neared Copper Mountain: the lamposts there were destroyed by the raptors that lived near there. and the creatures are now eyeing Lora the entire time... "Ah, I forgot my epee!" she realizes as she sees the beasts watching.

They suddenly run as Wit drops off a tree, Lora hops slightly in surprise to see him hanging upsidedown and engulfing a whole apple all at once! "Shit, girl!! You took a while, it's like a hour walk for you humans, right?" the white demon asked as he chews then swallows the apple... Lora explains "I don't have to walk this long do go anywhere in the castle, I'm surprised at myself for not being out of breath by now...". She looks around... "I expected there to be more creatures here, there were alot of salamanders,  centipedes along with raptors, and such here, before...", Wit drops out of the tree and crawl beside her "It's because I'm here: Humans are the only things completely unaware of us, until ya see one!". Lora's expression changed to a slightly concerned look, then back to neutral as she asks "Speaking of you demons, I thought we'd just appear on top of the mountain: how will we get there in time?". Wit sneers "I can make it up there inna few minutes, but you'll need to get on my back!", she steps back "I, I can't ride you up there! It, it's dangerous!" the princess says as she could see herself slipping off, until the white demon explains "It'll be too fast before you could get a chance to lose your grip, wrap your arms around my neck and we'll be up there before you know it! Or do you want to risk not saving the dragon?". Lora sighs and walks around towards his back...

Wit stands so she could wrap her arms around him "C'mon, hurry! You're not doubting me, right? What could I gain by lying to you about this now?" the white demon tried to convince her, Lora sighs, realizing he was right... Then holds him... Wit's eyes widened at the feel of the princess pressing tightly against his back... "A, alright... here we go..." he warns her... Lora realizes the change in his usually smarmy tone "W, wot!? I, is something wrong?!" she asks in fear. Wit yells "No! Stop trembling, you'll fall the hell off! I'm going!", he quickly climbs up the side of the mountain wall! Lora's eyes widen as she looks back and forth and sees the ground getting further away!!! She wished deeply that she didn't climb on, but realized they were too far up to stop and she'd be at the peak any minute now! They passed by Copper-mountain-pass, she looks at a lone-home in the distance, covered by the clouds... Below them, wild chicken, rooster, snakes, quails and peacocks can be seen along with caves filled with sleeping jaguars and panthers... Only near the peak can monkeys and, rams and goats be seen roaming peacefully. Lora then tries to make conversation, to forget how high and fast she was going "Um... You know, we should see the custodian first: we'll need a key to get through the gate to the top of the mountain..." she suggests. Wit replies "Don't worry, I can leap this wall!", Lora buried her head into his neck as he leaps over a stone-wall, and slides down the other side into a pile of snow!

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