Creonte: 2

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               -Suddenly a girl in a hoodie appeared in front of her, in a flash of dark light...-

Lora notices the mysterious figure watching her, as the fight starts...

"She stands at 5'5, and has darkish-skin. She wears a hooded robe, which barely covers her huge amounts of lilac-colored-hair, which is in pigtails. The robe's black, with few golden lacings girded about her waist and small-chest area. And some lace spelling out something on her sandal-straps. Last, but not least: her eyes are illuminated with a bright-darkness. Her voice sounds like that of a small child, but with the cockiness of a pushy-adult."

Lora notices her "Wh... who are?" she starts in confusion, the girl smirks at the princess as she replies, cutting her off "Someone's who looking for a good time. But you'd probably spoil it..." "!? Wot?! I, I, I can't... I can't watch this... I don't want this to happen... I... This should not be happening..." the princess tries to express her thoughts: her voice sounded far from the calm innocence it normally had, even when she was angry... Instead, now it sounded scared.. her eyes reassures this fact as they seemed unsure of what she'd do if she witnessed this event! Beltane notices her and steps closer as the mysterious girl takes Lora's hands, keeping them from wringing together any more and holds them tightly "Alright, outside ya go!" the mysterious girl explains. Beltane calls out "What?! Wait!!!", the dark-girl looks over her shoulder as Lora starts to be engulfed in a dark-fire... "Don't worry, I'm only taking her outside, you should worry about what's happening behind you!" she warned proudly. Samhain shouted again, causing Beltane to quickly turn around!...

Meanwhile, in the dark-light... Lora could feel the warmth of the mysterious girl. Despite her appearance and attitude being sketchy, she immediately brought the princess to safety though.. Who is this girl, and why did she appear? Lora reopens her eyes to find she was outside, atop of the steps going into the Agate-tomb. The princess sighs "Why..." she holds her hands together "Beltane is caring: nobody else noticed that stranger coming, except her.. I could barely hear my own voice...". Lora then looks up as she descends the staircase, looking for Wit...

Meanwhile, Lancelot just now notices the flash of darkness from the corner of his eye: He turns quickly "Where the hell's the princess??!" he yells, Beltane explains (yelling loudly over the T-rex's roars) "She's OUTSIDE!!! SHE COULDN'T TAKE SEEING THIS!"... the witch kept what happened ambiguous as the dark-girl disappeared already: there was nothing else she could say at the moment... Lancelot sighs in frustration... He then turns toward Samhain "Good, she's safer out there right now, anyway: Men, ya know th' drill!" he says in a normal voice, the paladins get in position as Lancelot then yells "Take off ya barriers! Don't waste any more magic!". Odin, Don and Poison let's them down... The paladin captain rushed the guardian and leaps high over his head, the others immediately charge at him afterwards and hacks at the beast's legs, causing it to drive it's attention on them. Meanwhile, Lancelot descends upon the beast, with his sword glowing brightly yelling "Good thin' we been in th' sun all day!!!". He splits Samhain in two, his sword glowing the entire time... Everybody awes in shock and amazement, until Lancelot lands and runs "Take cover!!!" he yells. Don quickly throws up a barrier before the beast explodes into burning, electrified chunks!!

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