For our Princess

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-Princess Lora smiles pleasantly at her parents and curtsey's  upon entering the room...-

 Both of them had a warm-smile on their faces, too. Earnest's expression changes slightly though, knowing what he must ask of his daughter...

"Lora is 5'6 exactly and has long, pink hair, which is pinned up into a bun. Her locks still are long enough to hang on each side of her face and come out into bangs almost reaching her piercing blue eyes. Her slender figure barely fills her blue dress, which color shade's so light that one would think it's silver at a glance. Her warm look is only matched by her blushes that appears when she's happy. Her voice is soft and innocent, yet her tone is serious at default, she also has a slight accent..."

She tilts her head slightly in a curious manner, upon noticing Earnest's slightly concerned expression... "Wot's wrong father?" she asks...

The king leans forward and replies "Lora, you know of the problem our land faces, correct?", the princess explains what she heard "Yes, there's a magical revolt going on, right?". Earnest sits back in his chair and says "Yes, it's suspected that nature is rebelling against us, so Herbert is preparing to confirm this, but he'll need paladins to help him.", she listens curiously as he finishes "I would like you to watch as he recruits the paladin needed for this adventure, it will be helpful experience on your ascension to the throne.". She slightly bows "Yes father.", she elegantly turns and leaves the throne room. Olivera turns toward her husband "I was going to ask earlier, for what reason hast you called her out there?", Earnest looks at her "It's just as thy have heard, she can't learn everything from only classes and tutors. Our adventures when she wos but a child, were just for fun, but now: she must learn how it feels to gather a army. In case she takes the throne without a mate who's knows of the army and it's workings, she must learn this now... I figure this would  help her." he explains. Olivera looks away and at the princess' direction... "Ah, so there wos no ulterior motive. You made a good decision: her grammer-teacher  barely helps her conceal her accent. She didn't do much for us either..." she says in approval on his part, but the ending the sentence in slight annoyance..

Meanwhile, the white demon quickly crawls across buildings and leaps over food stands... Everybody was unaware that this creature was swiftly moving to their ruler's home! "Today is the day that Earnest was suppose to decide if he's go along with that plan or not, I hope they do: watchin' them visit those crazy-assed places outta be fun!" he thought, then leaps onto a building nearby the Knight Quarters. He sees Herbert standing there, Corsican and many other paladins can be seen there, too, opposite of the old man. They all stand tall, with their shoulders back as their captain says "Choose any paladin you want: all are ready to give their lives for  king and country!". Herbert gives him a crooked smile "Yes, thanks old friend... I suspect any of them will do..." he replied, until he notices 2 paladins that stood out..

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