Demonic Revelation

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                                        -Lora's spoke to herself as she tries to clear her mind...-

"Wh, Why am I doing this, if we're only going to destroy ourselves? Th, this doesn't make sense..." she says aloud, trying to make sense of why this was happening: no one's concerned at all with what she said or Earnest's reaction: except Olimpia... Wit crawls down a wall as he replies "Hell yeah, we always love how humans would make a attempt at something, but solely for each individual's survival or pride: nobody's doing anything selflessly. Unless it's for the private-scoreboard in their heads..". Lora looks up at him as he stops near her chess-of-drawers.. "W, wot do you think? Would God help us, if everybody's thinking the same way?" she asks... the white demon laughs "Don't ask me: I'm suppose to be the bad-conscience, right? Ha!". The princess smiles slightly, until he explained "For reals... if this God is almighty, he'd know what you're thinking: you yourself hafta count for some shit, right?", The princess smiles a little... then notices something... and stands as she starts "Um... speaking knowing... um... That reminded me of how Edmond knew you're a demon and how you transformed...". She looks away, blushing slightly... "I've only just noticed... you um...  I've been wondering um... where's your... um... Genitalia?" Lora asks, the white demon wondered... Then realized what she was trying to ask "Ah! Ya wanna see it, huh?!" he replies excitedly, Lora turns toward the white demon in shock "No, it's just... I'm curious: you... you're... completely naked and..." she starts. 

Wit laughs "It's natural ya wanna see The 'king Cobra'!!?", his bulge uncurls into a 6'ft-long penis!!! Lora gasps loudly as she covers her eyes with her hands "EEEEp!!!" she squeals! Wit smirks at her reaction-- her face turning red-hot... until the sound of guards coming, made him leap away into the dark... 

           Lora quickly comes up with a lie of seeing a rodent to cover up why she yelped...

The next morning: the princess gets dressed for the trip and headed towards the throne room... She stops suddenly at seeing every Paladin Captain standing at attention! Earnest turns toward her as he explains "Everything's ready my dear: originally, I planned to go... but something's come up.. So you'll take every Captain, under Corsican to Eden.", he then turns toward Jade "And I expect a full report from each and every one of you.". She places her fist over her heart "Yes, your majesty!" she replies, he sighs in worry... then  says "Begone!".

Minutes later: Lora stood at the kingdom's gates with the captains. She wears her royal-dress, as they were going to a place without any jurisdiction or strained-relationships, the only new-item she took was her rapier. Jade smirks as she looks off in the distance "Let's go, men!" she commands, Gawain replied "Yes, this last venture will save Hyperborea!". Lancelot sighs "Shouldn't we have more of our shit together? We're lookin' for some guy who flies planes, an' that's all we know.", Percival agrees "Yes, and the princess should be properly escorted there, too: we have no idea what could happen...". Lancelot turns toward him "C'mon, the princess doesn't hafta be treated so damned pussy! We're all workin' on this together!", Gawain agreed with him "Yes, we had fun together in Neptune!". Percival glares "That was reckless and stupid, though! She could've been zombified if..." he started, until Jade interrupts them! "Stop bickering guys! We're suppose to be there and back by tonight! And we have no idea if it's even there in the first place! Let's go!". The others immediately follow their captain, as they form a diamond-shape around Lora...

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