Meeting the Mercs

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                     -Lora calmly listens to the white demon as he spoke...-

"So we're going to Neptune with a buncha mercenaries?!", Lora turns towards him happily: having gotten used to Wit appearing as soon as she was alone "Yes, I believe they'll get along and everything would go smoothly.". She notices him eating an apple "Did you steal that?!" she yell-whispers, the white demon finished off the fruit, core and all..."Yeah, I can't fucking pay for them!" he explains. The princess replies "You shouldn't do that! Even if you're from another world!", she yells-whispers back, "That's not fair!  What? Am I suppose to steal fucking money to buy it? I can't be seen!" he asks angrily. Lora almost retorts, when she noticed his body... "Wait, your bruises...They're already gone?", Wit faces the princess as he perked up "Yeah, demon bodies heal faster than you humans'!". She tilts her head in confusion and asks "Wait... I thought you were evil spirits? How do you even have a body? I've also been meaning to ask about that black smoke, too...", the white demon sneers "I'm not that type of demon, the ancient-one's are the spirits. But one's like me have physical bodies! When we get hurt and have time to cool off, our bodies heal back...". Wit then frowns... his expression looks disgusted and upset as he explains further "But, if we die... we're gone... or rather, we're obliterated...", Lora gasps "Is that wot happened to your brethren?", The white demon replies "Yeah: we have no souls. So we don't reincarnate into animals, another demon or a human, like you guys can. We disappear. We were nothing to begin with, so we fade back into nothing when we die...". His face has turned back towards the ground by now... he then turns his body away... "I gotta go and shit..." he says in a saddened tone and crawls away... Lora watches "I wonder wot happened? Is it because of the other demon? Does Wit know something else about that incident he isn't telling me? Maybe he's upset he had to kill him?" she wonders. Gawain suddenly came back "Princess they're coming! Um...", she quickly turns and noticed he was looking at her melting snow-cone. She quickly drinks it down, and grimaced from the brain-freeze, until the mercenaries came closer. Lora then straightened her face again and smiles warmly, (despite the pain she's in) "Ah, there you are." she greeted them warmly.

The mercenaries were all dressed in armor similar to what Whitebeard wore, except with less scratches, and completely covered in silver polishing. Gawain steps forward to them "It took you a while to get here, didn't it? Um..." he starts, a particular mercenary steps out in front of the others "It's Jacob, um... I'm the bartender's kid!" he announced

"Jacob Kob stands at 5'7 and has a more slim-muscled frame than the other mercenaries. Also unlike them, he has very long purple hair that oozed from under his helmet and over his ebony colored eyes, that gave him a overall dark looking appearance. His goofy looking smile and the relaxed way he held his claymore gave him a different air than most battle-hardened mercenaries, and his cape only added to the childish personality. His voice was strangely that of a surfer with a obviously relaxed tone."

Gawain sighs as Jacob realized "Oh yeah, ya wanted to know why we were late... well, we had to do a thing I forgot yesterday. Ya see, I was suppose ta deliver a package of beer to...". The paladin cuts him off as he began yelling "You're in the presence of the princess who needs your help! Knowing that SHE was the one who needed you; you still decided to do some meaningless task as opposed to hurrying here...", the mercenaries faces changed from a laid-back look to a on-guard one... Gawain notices... and looks back at Lora.. He then sighs and turns back around to the mercs "Forget it, We're happy you're here: let's hope we can successfully complete this mission.", Jacob smiles again (completely forgetting or simply straight-up ignoring what he just saw) "Yeah, let's do it!". His friends kept their suspicious stares on Gawain...

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