Demonic Sensing

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                                      -Lora finished copying the names and looks for Kubaryi...-

She then sees the woman a few feet away,  talking to customers... "Do I really look that weak?" the princess thought as she walked to her.. "After everything I've done, have I not matured or hardened any? It's not as if I fought... but I have done things I haven't before and went through events that are out of my element... I...". She looks at the ground... then back up at Kubaryi and the other Engels she's talking to... One points the princess out, and the woman looks Lora's way: she waves and smiles: indicating she knew the princess was finished with the work already... Lora smiles wryly, until the Engel who pointed her out..  walks to her! "Excuse me, Princess, right?" he asks. Lora replies "Yes... You've seen me, too?". He replied "Of course, and your face and crown proves you're the same person.", the man then smiles warmly as he introduces himself "I'm Professor Micrathene.".

"Micrathene is 6'9 around Kubaryi's height: his skin-tone's a little lighter than Strix's and his hair's are feathers of a Elf-Owl. His eyes are also sparkling as the other Engels, and he looks to have wings of the mentioned-creature on his head, back and neck, under his robe, which's also similar to Strix: indicating they work at the same place... His voice is mid-ranged and his tone's caring and innocent: strangely more so than even most  other Engels."

The Princess smiles too, and introduces herself "My name's Lora...", he laughs softly then replied "You mean princess Lora, right?". She looks away "Yes... but the title's only just getting annoying, now...", Micrathene smiles at her then asks "Well, Lora... Could you do me a favor? I'm very interested in people from the surface, so would you come to my workshop and answer a few questions?". The princess looks up at him again and replies "...I guess... if it'll help..", he walks away, she follows as he then assures her "It will, alot! And I'm sure it'll get rid of that feeling you have now as well...". She tilts her head in curiosity "Wot? ...I'm sorry, I wos just told I look too prissy to work...", Micrathene laughs then explains "Whoever said that, might've not known any other way to tell you that they respect you greatly: whatever you've done before, may in fact give off a aura that causes some to see differently than just a person.". Lora wondered at what he meant, until she notices he suddenly stopped? 

"Here we are! I would take you to the academy, but it'll take too long, especially since I have a set-up right here!" he explains, the princess looks around at the bookshelves surrounding a small space filled with: chairs, a table and lamp. this makes his set-up, and the place they're in is a little ways from the amusement-park: nobody's around as it's in between it and behind a building. He then asks "Before we start: where's your demon!?".

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