The red Demon

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-Wit and Noella seem to finish the demons, and now climb to the top of the ark, facing the sun.-

They meet Lora with tired smiles "Now there's no more oni for miles!" Noella says, before she bops herself... then adds "Thanks to me and this elf!". Wit laughs at what she said.. but soon is filled with dread: for before they can finish laughing, a red demon comes up stomping and growling! He walks in the air as if he was climbing stairs, and has the look of a devil with wild-hairs... Wit stares at him in fear "It's Beelzebub, this damn motherfuckere'!".. the white demon wonders at what he said... until he's shouted at by the demon that's red "Yeah I'm Beelzebub, I'm tired of people screwin' us up! I'm not goddamned Satan, I'm too angry and impatient! I ain't gonna screw around, you fucks! Now that you've seen me: you're outta luck!!".

"The red demon looks like stereotypical 6'0ft devil, with horns, wings and hair's that's disheveled.. His entire body is different shades of red: with a vile face that fills lookers with dread.. a glare would make you wish you were dead.. His skin's red, his eyes are crimson. His nails are madder and his horns are Cornell son! His hair's rusty-red, his goatee is too! His tail's pointy and long, look here fool: In his hand is his trident, which is Scarlet: it shoots Chilli-red lasers at innocents and harlots! Last but not least, is his voice: the sound of a angry old man won't make others rejoice. It's tone is very pissed-off, too.. A shout from him would make even bystanders doodoo!"

Beelzebub now aims at the arc "And don't get proud of yourselves, you farts! I'M the one who killed the oni, those things are so retarded there was no need: for them or any of the other demons! I'mma kill all of you young 'uns! Now you die by my hand and not from devils or witches, because they're too retarded to kill a pussy and 2 bitches!". He fires a pitchfork-shaped laser from his trident, it strikes the ark and makes much more than a simple dent! The ark shakes violently from the blast, Wit, Noella and Lora fell on their ass... The dark-goddess then yells "Get in the ark, Lora! Hurry up what the hell??!", the princes hurries inside as Noella then screams "Kill that asshole, Wit, by any means!! If we take too many, the ark will fall... then the only thing we could say is: awww balls!". The white demon leaps at Beelzebub, but the red one was ready for this cuz... he had experience: far more than the others, so quickly he swings his trident "Move motha fucker!". he yells as he knocked Wit away... The white demon then flies, and counters via haste! The red demon angrily blocks the white's tail... then shouted "Oh what the hell!!? I ain't like the others who wanted to torment you: I came here to kill you all so that's what I'll do!". He fires a laser at point-blank, it rips off Wit's left-leg... like you'd think! Fortunately not only did it knock him back, the white demon had spreads his wings, so other parts he wouldn't lack. You see, the blast's force pushed him away... so Wit lives another day... The white demon sighs as he watches the red one... "That hurt! Good thing I got away son...of a..." he suddenly sees Beelzebub firing beams without remorse, so Wit didn't wait until he healed and screamed "STOP!" making his throat hoarse! The white demon flies to him again, but Beelzebub showed him he wasn't his friend: He stabs Wit through shoulder and neck.. as he glared "What the heck???! I told you I'm not like the other dudes, I hate you and them: I'm that rude! I'll kill you now, so you won't get in the way. This is the last time you'll see day, you gay!". He fires the beam, knocking Wit far... the white demon lands on a treetop, good thing it's not a car... He looks up to see that the arc, is leaving the giant spirit-tree... oh fart! Once they hit the stratosphere it might be over, so he flies once more to kill the red-angry Grover... Beelzebub continues firing lasers, as Noella tries blocking the danger! But Wit comes with some neck , one arm and leg, and coughs up his silver-sword: he isn't dead!!! He zooms to Beelzebub once more, the angry-demon turns around "You really wanna die, whore!!?" he asks as he angrily takes aim... "I'm tired of your shitty face, dat blame!!". He fires lasers at Wit, but the white demon ain't takin' it! He uses the sword to push away the danger, and prepares to bifurcate Beelzebub like a gangsta! The red demon prepares to shoot his heart, but Wit's too smart: he waves the blade before he even got close, and shot a beam through his heart--Beelzebub's toast!!.. The red demon growled as he burns alive "Woo hoo, ya won." he says with snide!! Beelzebub obliterates like expected, but obliterates in a way that's kinda hectic.. He explodes upon dying, the fiery explosion sends Wit flying!!! Lora watches from inside the arc... please don't let him fall apart!! She ran up to the surface of the ship, but was horrified by what hit.. In front of her was Wit's head... he's all over the place, it's like he's dead! "AAAAAAAH!!!" the princess screams, Noella floats to her, being really mean: Stop crying, wimp.." she said "Wit doesn't die because he loses his head. See? I caught his heart, while the red one imploded: I took this part!". Lora looks up to see, that Wit's heart is still beating , yippee! Noella then smiles and said "Now I'll heal this, his limbs and his head!" she grimaced as she heals the parts together...Wit got up, looking never better! "That hurt like shit!!!" he exclaims, "It reminds me of my hell days!". Lora cheers with a surprised tone "Wit!! You're alive! You were just blood and bones!!", he white laughs as he says "My heart is still intact, I'm better than I was before, I'm not even dazed. I'm used to being broken, only by my heart being destroyed could get my life taken.". Noella replies with seductive-wink "Don't forget I saved your life, or you're a stink!" she then grimaced at what she said again... If she could've commit suicide, it might've happened by then.., Fortunately, now this ends... No more legion, no more twists and bends, everything starts being normal again... Thanks for reading this shit to the end...

The group looks up as the ark finally reaches the strosphere... the sky scrolls back some as they come closer to space... a portal starts to open as they near the stars... "Alright, we need to get back inside.." Noella explains.. Lora continues to stare as she asks "W, wot's happening??", the dark-goddess replied "We're getting close to the Mesosphere... this is when the ark's suppose to make a opening so we can get to heaven quickly.. ...we woulda been here already, but the goddamned demons kept hitting the thing.. but.. I guess it also repaired pretty quickly now that I see where we are!".. She turns towards the couple "Ark, take us to the control panel!" she commanded.. the part of the surface they're on, sinks down into the ark... The group now sees the star-like lights inside glowing brightly, as the ark closes up and pushes them via conveyer towards the center-pillar...

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