Greatest treasure of All

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-Gawain sighs in relief and excitement as they've finally found the Goveror!-

He then explains "We're here to ask about the your joining in reseting the magical-karma?". She arched a eyebrow "What be that? I only heard of it being some worthless legend.", he then explained: sensing she was acting, from the concern that crept from her tone... "It's a situation where creatures of all families/genus come from around the world to destroy Hyperborea.. It's because we have the most magic here and... this is where they can actually develop a sense of what's happing to them. Like being farmed, hunted, harvested and eaten..". He then holds up her book "Um, we asked the acting-governor where you were... but he said to only find this, so...", she cuts him off "Mother's book?!" she exclaims in caring, surprised sounding tone. Some of the pirates turn before they were all completely stuffed through the back door, ready to tar and feather the pirate crew.. Olimpia notices and turns towards them, regaining her strong tone "Wot, if ye have a problem with me voice: then come and get yer limbs cut off, ye can here me chortle over yer body as it holds up my coffee table!". The pirate leaves with the others, she then turns back around to the group "Where did you find it?!" she asks again, losing alot of her angry tone... "It was in your ship: um.. our princess found it!" Gawain says. Olimpia looks at Lora "Princess?" she asks, Lora lifts her cap, revealing her circlet...

Olimpia then suggests "Let's go outside...", everybody does... later, they stand in front of the hotel, where it was the most quiet: everybody was getting in bed already, and the only sounds were of the ocean waves and Gerald's crew being tar and feathered on the dock, far away... "Is it you, Lora?!" Olimpia asks, completely dropping her pirate gruffness, and revealing her slightly Spanish-accent. The princess replies "Yes! I'm so happy to see you again!", the governor smiles "I never thought we'd meet again: from what I remembered, your dad barely wanted us to play together because we were a 'bad influence'!". Jacob and the mercs laughed as Olimpia continues "We were! Well...he might've only meant me: I've always tried to make her be a pirate too!". Gawain laughs too, until she suddenly says in a harsh, but none threatening tone "Wait, what about you: paladin?! Why am I finding out that YOU let her look in a wrecked ship by herself!?", he stuttered as she stares at him "Uh, uh, um... We got her a room! I thought she'd stay!" he tried to defend himself and the others. Lora giggles "It's okay, my adventure was safe enough, and you have your book, now!", Olimpia smiles warmly... somewhat scaring Gawain... "Yes, I thought it sunk to the bottom of the sea... So I never even thought to go back..." she explains with a sigh as her smile leaves her face slowly "...So Aron sent you after this, right?". Jacob replied "Yeah, but he wasn't excited to see it at all..", she explains with a irritated look on her face "That's because he uses it as a excuse... or a means to get rid of people. While he could simply tell people to leave: Leopold recently told me that he uses our tragedy to entice people into hopes of getting treasure or glory, rather than dealing with people he's disgusted by. That way they technically die by their own action, rather than dying to serve the royal family; which keeps him out of trouble. I...", she sighs in anger "I'll take care of him when I get back: I didn't like my job before, I still don't: but I'll... I'll take it seriously now, Aron would run this place into the ground if I wasn't here at least once every few hours.". Gawain replies "It's a good thing we didn't wait to search!", she turns towards him again "Si, this book's bring back so many memories... I... I'm going to try again, after I kick his ass... I mean!" she looks at Lora... "Teach Aron a lesson." the governor says. She then walks away as she says "I'll call the inn to get them to give you free rooms, I'll be back in the morning after fixing things at the palace.", Gawain waves "Thanks!", Lora waves too "Can't wait for tomorrow!". Jacob sighs "It's cool, but... Why not get us one of the hotel-resorts to give us a free room?", his friends nodded, agreeing with his comment..

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