Heaven's property

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                                           -God then clasps his hands and says...-

"And it's also why.. I'll grant you two, your other wish.." he holds His hand towards Wit: a silver-collar appears around his neck, with platinum-spikes about it and a chain growing from it, to the ground..!! Yahwen freaks and runs up to His feet: "F, Father, please stop! Why are you doing this??!",  Lora and Wit stares at her in surprise: she knows about becoming Heaven's property, right?? Why is she afraid?? God then replies "This is what they wanted, after Noella told them about it...", she quickly turns toward her sister Noella!! How could you!!? You didn't tell them!!?". The dark-goddess scoffed "Yeah, yeah... I didn't, so what?! I was alot more effective than you'd be in that situation!".. the light-goddess almost retorts when Lora asks "W, wot's wrong?? Wot's happening?".. God replies "Wit's Heaven's property now...", Yahwen turns toward her "Th, that means you can't see him again! Heaven's property can't leave here! That's why you never see anything like heaven: Because nothing leaves, except us!"... Lora and Wit look at God in surprise, the princess then asks "I... I understand this.. but, couldn't you make a exception?? I, It's your own rule!"... God levitates the chain into His hand and replies "No... I don't want heavenly property touching Earth... this is why I carved Eden from it, even away from the spiritual-physical lands surrounding it, like Hyperborea.. Last time I let Jesus down there, humans crucified him... That's why both Noella and Yahwen don't have mortal forms, for the times they visit there... Why would I let something of mine onto a sinful Earth?".. Lora gasps... God seemed calm for most of this, but now... He's completely and utterly serious about Heavenly property.. If Wit stays... they can't see eachother...

Lora starts to look upset... what could she do if he belongs to God now?? It would be selfish to act out and possibly get Earth destroyed... God then explains as he drops Wit's chain.. "While I won't change my decision, I will give you the a chance to see if he stays or goes.." The demon walks to the princess..  as Yahwen starts to cry "Y, you hafta go with her... Yo, you'll probably never see e, each other again!", Noella then adds "But... if you stay up here, Luci won't be able to get you...". ..Wit and Lora looks at them.. The light-goddess' face already expressed how they felt...

Lora looks at Wit, he looks back into her warbling-eyes... "Wit... you... you have to stay here... it...it'll be better for you..." she starts. The demon replies trying to convince to agree with him: "What!!? Wait, ya can't say that! W, we can stay together! Yeah, those assholes are gonna come.. bu, but I can take 'em, we can plan for shit and junk!" ... Lora sniffles as she hear the hopefulness in his voice... Noella does too, then gets up to leave "I gotta piss!!!" she says as she marches away.. God sighs as he watches her "I wish she talked like a young girl..." He thought aloud, then turns back towards the couple as they went back and forth... until Lora replies "Alri, alright... maybe we could try to do something t, to plan for them?"... Wit smiles happily "Y, yeah!"... She then looks at her hands... and realizes.. "B, but... I... I can't see you get hurt again... I.. I couldn't stand it..".. the demon stops smiling as she looks up into his eyes: her's were filled with tears as she explains: "Wh, when... when I saw y, you the other day... you were nearly in half... I... I couldn't stand it...".. her voice continues breaking "I... I couldn't i.. imagine keeping love inside... wh, when I see another demon... I'm already, so angry right now only remembering it.."... Wit retorts "B, but wait! I... we..."... God suddenly explains to the demon: "Wit, YOU'RE the one who's going to stay or go. YOU have the final say..."... the demon stares at God... then back at Lora... He didn't want to make things harder for her by having to worry about constant demonic-attacks.. She certainly wouldn't be loving, if she actively thought of ways to ward off and even kill them... "Alright... alright... I... I'll stay here..."... Wit says.. Lora hugs him... He grimaces as he feels her crying into him... until she suddenly backs up... and wipes her eyes: making her face straight as she normally did.. "W, Wit... If only there..." she starts... Wit replies "I know, I wish there wassa a way I could stay, too... But even turning human won't work..". Lora smiles sadly "It's only been a short time.. I'm glad I could fall in love so fast.. It's a beautiful feeling, despite this situation; I'm still glad you at least live peacefully!" she confesses.. Wit looks away "Thanks... you're awesome, too..." he replies, Lora walks to and hugs him again: "You still can't say I love you??" she asks. Wit smiled wryly as she looks away from his face. "C' come on... I..." he starts.. The princess suddenly whispers "One day, I'll make you say it..".. Wit blushes as she backs away... She then titters "At least... I wanted to give you something to remember me by... Don't worry, I know you wouldn't have anything, too...".. Wit laughs "Yeah... Naked dudes don't carry junk.. I meant stuff! Ha!"..

Yahwen suddenly sobs aloud "Gibb him akisssss!!!"... Lora blushes too now.. "You mean... on the mouth?" she says quietly... Wit adds "Uh... kissin' fun and everything.. but... I can't jus' kiss her that way! It means a lot more and it's harder than jus' squeezin' titties!"... Lora giggles as she wrings her hands nervously.. "If only I actually wore jewelry like mother..." she says.. Wit laughs too "Yeah, she was decked out!". Lora suddenly feels a clink sound.. And sees bejeweled rings in her hands??

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