Cees Leonard Blanc

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                                                 -Lora and Wit exit the lab excitedly...-

The white demon-now turned human: smirks "Now all we hafta do is convince your dad to let me go!" he exclaims, the princess replies "Yes... but..." she looks at his outfit.. or rather hers: "I'll get you something else to wear: if he recognizes you're in my clothes, he might have a fit...".

Later, Lora and Wit enter Castiel castle. The paladins do nothing to stop her and her guest, despite being highly suspicious of the newcomer... They make their way to the throne-room, where luckily: Earnest (and Percival) was there, speaking to Olivera about the summit... "Father..." she starts.. The king turns around "Lora, I..." he starts too... then immediately notices the teen/boy beside her: despite everything the sight made him angry... "Is that him? Your contact?" he asks in a low-roar... Lora replies "Yes, the one we saved in Augite. He just healed-up and is ready... right?" she ends up asking the demon, Wit steps forward "Right. I'm ready to serve Castiel, as I promised." he replies... Earnest steps forward slightly... Olivera was suspicious too, but since her husband's decisions led to this: she quietly only watched... "You don't look like you're from around here... you don't even seem like a Augitite... What are you?" he asks. Lora gasps at the question, then Wit lies: "I'm a Hyperborean-Earth mix: My father was from here in Castiel and my mother was from out of country.", the king frowns as he says "Yes... a rare but, normal circumstance: there's Englishman blood within our family line, too...". He then asks "What's your name?", Wit lies again: "Cees Leonard Blanc ". Earnest turns away and walks a few steps towards his throne... "Cees..."... The king starts, then turns around "Lora seems to have faith in you: why should she? You were barely able to protect yourself, were you not?". Wit lies more (hardly able to keep from laughing) "Before we made contact: I was already in the middle of an another mission: but the client betrayed me and was killed. They also put me in a bad position, where I couldn't honor the engagement I made for Castiel before I arrived at the Marrow-Cave in Augite...", Earnest glares "I see... You know, if you're lying: you shall pay dearly for it?" he asks. The white demon replies "Yes, the same goes for you: I have nothing to gain for lying in this position, but everything from completing it successfully. I'm not asking for complete trust, but only that you realize my intentions are only to make a decent-truthful living.", Earnest scowls... but then calmed down and returns to his throne "Fine, but we all shall have a close eye on you, whenever my daughter is ready to start, you WILL be ready to protect her with your life.". Wit puts his hand over his heart "Yes, I'm willing to die for your daughter, not only for my own honor: but to protect the nation of Hyperborea.", Lora blushes slightly... until Earnest says "I'm glad to hear this, now begone!".

                                            The two leave outside... laughing in utter disbelief and relief!

AbnegationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora