Greatest treasure of All: 2

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                                           -Wit finishes explaining the situation...-

"Only if Augite didn't use magic everyday for everything... The magic just used today was probably bringing more mummies back...", Lora's eyes widened as he continues "Samhain was probably pass the point of forgiveness back then: Because white n' black magic effects both nature's and unnatural balances. One causes disasters and the other does stuff like raise the dead: I mean, monsters are alive and are born just like you humans and animals. But... the dead coming back is completely unnatural... Our magic did that..". Lora looks away... upsetted by the situation, it was something that she nor anybody else could stop... and even if she made the suggestion: nobody would listen to it... Magic now seemed like doping oneself: one temporarily benefits from it's effect but the end result is still unnatural. She then looks at Wit again... "Hey... your wounds are gone?" she notices, Wit looks at his arm "Ah yeah, I didn't even notice they were hurting!" he says, then looks up at her "I guess talking to you must be fun: it made the time go faster!". The princess blushes and quickly turns away, Wit wonders why: then quickly crawls away sheepishly...

Lancelot's voice suddenly echoes from inside "Princess!!?" he calls out, somewhat worried... Lora shook her head and tries to calm down: Wit couldn't of been suggesting anything, right?! She then looks up to see the Paladin and Beltane standing a few ft from her "Good...yer safe..." Lancelot sighs relief. Beltane adds "I was so worried when you um... disappeared.. ".. Lora knew full well there was no way to explain what happened back then, and so  "Sorry, I had to get some fresh air..." she explains, Beltane walks away as the paladin laughed "Since ya ran out here,  I'd be right assumin' ya don't wanna ride back, right?". She smiles "No... I'd love to stretch my legs!", Lancelot laughs "I thought so!" he looks up the stairs and watches the siblings say goodbye to each other... 

Beltane sighs "Well, we gotta go home..." she says with a sad-smile... "I guess we'll see ya again in another decade, haha!" she jokes, Calan smiles "Great! Maybe you'll be legendary-wizards by then, too! Then we all will be standing in front of random old-buildings!" he joked too, Beltane and Max laughs. Until the mystical-wizard suddenly kneels slightly and hugs them both "I'll miss you guys!" he says sadly, but still trying to smile, despite realizing it'll be a long time before he sees his family again... "I love you guys!". Max struggles to get loose "St, stop it, ya punk! You didn't EVER hug back at home!!! Lemme go!", Calan laughs "You're always trying to be a brat, c'mon and take a hug!" he plays with his younger-brother.. Max looks away... remembering Calan called him this alot before, which he admittedly missed now... "Yeah..." he said quietly. The mystical-wizard stands erect again "Alright, be careful going back: don't let the princess get hurt!", Bael hides her feelings too as she happily replies "We will!", she looks at her other-brother "Right Max?!". He doesn't say anything... "Right!" she answers for him, (knowing he might cry if they stretch it out their goodbyes..) She grabs his hand and leads him away with the others...

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