Deliver us from Evil

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         -While Wit slowly looks for Lora, meanwhile she has gathered the paladins and Ron!!!-

The captains listen carefully as they wait on the airstrip they crashed on... "So you have to go, now??" Jade asks... Lora replies "Yes,  I found a way to contact a... angel. And he told me to go and I would recive what to do in Casstiel.."... the princess lied in their faces... something she was used to by now, because of Wit... Gawain wondered at what she said... as Lancelot asks "So, a angel wants you ta go back home, an' he'd there he'd tell ya how to save Hyperborea?? That sounds kinda strange..."... Percival agreed "Yeah, why not say what to do, here? Why would anyone here hide something? The entire thing sounds suspiscious..." Jade smiles as she turns toward her workers "We hafta trust her... she's the one who got us this far... we'll have to believe in her..". The men shrug and/or simply check on Ron.. As Jade looks at the princess again.. she noticed Lora looked extremely upet, but was hiding: it's something nobody else picked up on.. She looks down at Lora and asks... "Are you okay?", the princess smiles sadly and replies 'Yes... I'm.. f.. fine... thank you..". The captain smiles "Okay, but if you ever need someone to talk to: I'm right here. I won't make you say anything, but I'm more than willing to help our heroine..." she says proudly as she wipes a tear forming in the princess's eye.. Lora blushes slightly as Jade then walks away... With everything she learned and what happened, she forgot what kind of people she's surrounded by and exactly what she's trying to save... Lora then took a deep breath and walks to the others.. as Ron cheered "It's fixed!! We can go!", Gawain cheered too "Alright! Let's hurry, it looks like it's already night in the horizon!", They look at how dark the sky looks away from the garden.. Lancelot agreed "Then let's get on board!". Everybody gets on, and the plane starts to take-off! Few Engels notice, then stop and wave at the strangers... They wave too, nobody noticed the white demon running up to the plane and sneaking in before they take flight...

They now descend to Neptune... until Ron suddenly asked "I wanna put this back home, or should we go to Castiel??". Jade walks up behind him "No, we can get there quickly, you take your plane back to it's place. Besides, there's probably people who'd freak out if you land anywhere there, most strips are used for commercial and cargo junk..." she explains, Ron then aims perfectly for the workshop-runway area... until a laser goes by overhead!!? The paladins all turn to see a air-fight happening close by!! "What the hell??" Jade yells, Ron grimaced 'It's the sky-pirates! They're NOT suppose to fight over any kingdom either!". The captain glared as Lancelot turns toward her "We gonna stop 'em?" he asked in anger, she replied "I don't think we can..." fearfully...

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