Demonic Growth

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        -Wit stares at Lora and Mirathene as they watch him in wonder while he answers...-

"Because... I can't: ya need to know magical crap to FORCE the deal to work. The human gets what they want, and we make sure they can't break the deal... but I couldn't, so...". Lora awes "No wonder you didn't even try to make the contract...", Wit sighs in self-loathing as the Engel writes down what he said... "Alright, another question! Can you possess things? At least you can do that, right?". The white demon angrily replied "No!... well.." he relaxes as he explains "I probably could if I wanted, but I hated when that happened to me, so...". Lora realizes something and asks "How come the others didn't then?", Wit explains with a grimace "Because I hated being possessed... no-matter how strong the demon was: me and them were injured by the time they left me... That's why nobody tried in Hyperborea..". 

Mirathene watches Wit in awe: he looks much more excited than he initially did! The Engel steps closer as he drops his book... "What you've said: it's something no demon would honestly say.." he starts, the white demon arches his eyebrow "Wha??!" he asks... Mirathene smiles wryly "The golden rule doesn't matter to them: I've seen what your kind can do... to understand and have learned from it... this is beautiful in and of itself.. but a demon unknowingly doing this..." he explains, Wit steps back as Lora watches him, too: The Engel's right.. It's strange that Wit could feel this way, or even cared enough to, specifically while he was in hell.. Mirathene looks into the white demon's eyes "AHH! Lora... look, did you notice?" he says, unable to look away... She turns towards Wit as the Engel says "Look into his eyes!". The white demon turns slowly towards her, Lora stares into his demonic-eyes "!!!" she only gasps! Wit eye's now widened "What!? What's wrong??!" he yells, Mirathene explains "Nothing, they're brown... not black! This indicates something happened within you.."... He steps closer, causing Wit to step back "Look into my eyes, tell me what do you see?" the professor requests. The white demon grimaces "Creepy guy eyes?!" he replies, Mirathene giggled "Ha, I expected you to say that, but yes: my eyes are very dewy like the others here... Now look at Lora..". Wit looks at Lora again: her eyes shine much less than a Engel's.. but are still very breathtaking and shine brilliantly for a human-being... The white demon was embarrassed to look into them for too long, but he can't look away...

Until Mirathene finally reveals "You heard: eyes are a window into the soul, right? Your own color and shine, means you have a soul!".. Lora gasped again as  the white demon retorts "I can't havva soul! I'mma demon: we're damned the moment we're born!!". Mirathene explains with a giggle "Yes! Normally, all hell-spawn are soulless monsters. But you grew... no developed one!": this revelation makes the two awe at the Engel, from what they saw none of them lie, not even about what they're thinking! Wit freaks out "Wa??! Listen: I'mma product of rape, I'mma murderer, I jacked-off to 12-year olds and babies in hell, I CAN'T havva soul!", the Engel explains "True: We can see even in hell from here.. And know fully that no demon, even the Fallen-angels; can produce anything with a soul..". Wit stares in confusion as Mirathene explains excitedly "But something happened when you left hell, something you experienced: made you grow.."...

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