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                    -That night, they've reached Castiel and are greetly warmly by the citizens..-

In the castle: Earnest proudly exclaims "I'm very grateful to each and evryone for your efforts: a fued that could've turned out far worse than it already was, has been nullified utterly thanks to your efforts.". Everybody smiles happily as they kneel, except Lora... The princess seems to be smiling too, but her mother could easily tell she wasn't truly happy. The king then laughs "I especially want to thank you, Ms Ostara.", Bael looks up "Really!?". He explains "Yes, you're the main reason Don has decided to end any signs of feuding between us: in fact, he also plan to make laws, prohibiting wars based on personal reasons between our nations.", the witch shyly looks away "Oh..." she mutters, remembering back at the palace... Earnest then looks at Lancelot "And you, while I'll like to award you immediately as I've done your comrade: Gawain, you have offers for more work even before you came back." he explained, the paladin looks up "Really? Me and my men got somethin' else?" he asks. The king laughs and explains "Yes, apparently it's somewhat of a fad now to hire paladins who have worked directly under the royal family... would you want your payment now and to proceed with the Magical-Conscience venture? Or fulfill your duties to the people, instead?". Lancelot stands from kneeling "I... need to stay here: I started this for my motha, your majesty... If I can work closer ta home for th' next few days, it'll be great!" he explains. Earnest replies "Then you shall, good luck to you and her.", he then says "You all will be rewarded handsomely, it looks as if we may be able to do this without a single problem for our kingdom, now: begone!". The others leave... as Lora looks up at her father "So, this is it, right?"... Earnest looks at Olivera... she looks at him... they then give a somewhat ominous stare at the princess, making her feel uneasy... 

"There's one more kingdom, but we dare not bring it up until the room was empty..." Earnest explains. Lora stares in wonder, her adrenaline was pumping again despite being tired... "Yes, your father's right... The Lost woods is the final kingdom..." her mother adds. The princess tilts her head in curiosity "Wot?! I thought it was only a forest with a urban-legend tied to it?" she asks, the king explains "It's actually a kingdom governed by spirits and creatures from ancient times...". The queen adds "I have been there but once: and only the kingdom and your father know's this.". Lora steps closer "Well, how do we find the kingdom? I thought people only got lost for going in too deep?" she asks, Earnest replies "There's a specific direction one must follow... you'll recognize something about the path, that'll become apparent once you enter... but, nobody knows wot it is...". Olivera leans closer to her "I haven't been since I was but a child... I can't remember how I even got in there... but... I DO know that it does get more and more dangerous as you go in further... and by now: the spirits have probably built up hatred against us." she explains. 

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