The caucasian Demon

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-Wit and Noella continue to fight, the oni seemed to come up even until nearly night...-

They fought off the evil and vile things, until something leaps up from hiding-in-the-wings. It comes like a streak-of-lightening: and because it resembles Lucifer's descent, this made it freightening... Wit steps back as he says.. "It's the prince of hell: Heliac!" as smoke arises from the ark, which he grazed...

"The caucasian demon stands at 5'5 and looks like a muscular-teen, with spiky ebony-hair and a grin that's mean. He wears a red-leather-jacket and pants, and because of his human look: no claws on his feet or hands. His triangular tail's translecent and out-of-sight, only other supernatural-beings can see it in day and night. His horns too, are hidden under his hair out of view! Last but least, is his disturbingly-deep voice, which doesn't fit the body of a boy. his tone too, the proudest of all, despite being the lastborn of the angel that falls.."

The demon-prince grinned as he stomps closer to Wit "The others are retards, they're just shit! Father wants me to take you, so I'm here and that's what I'll do!" he states and leaped at the white demon in a second, Wit dodged and contered next and... Knocks the smaller-demon away.. but his invisble-tail attempts to ruins Wit's day! The white demon backflips from the attack, and blocks and dodges the angry-brat! But Heliac wasn't going to stop, he chased and sliced until out loud he thought "You only get away becasue you run! If you stood still, I'd be number one!", the white demon replies with his own-pride: "I don't even wanna fight, the fuck I'd stay still and probably prove you right?". The caucasian demon shudders with anger, then he remembers something that caused danger "Fine, I'll do something those mooks can't: I'll control your body and make bleed and pant! They all died while trying to possess you, so I'll prove I'm the best by manipulating, hoohoohoo!", he turns into a black mist!! Wit runs like shit, so the other demon missed! The smog passes through oni, and clevery avoided the Noella just only... He chased Wit as he leaps around the ark, until Heliac thought of idea which was akin to being a fart! Wit sensed it ran to him, knowing Heliac going to attempt to get Lora; that demonic ham! But the caucasian demon didn't want her, she was too innocent it would be gross for sure! He wanted Wit, who was closer to him: so as soon as the White demon came, he leapt then! Wit shook and jerked to keep him from getting in, but before it seemed like his hope and energy would wear thin.. Wit's soul shines bright, and the holy fire from his blade shines like a star at night: Heliac's burned before even getting in, his heart caught on fire and that was the end, of the Satan's son, the prince of hell.. if he didn't burn up so fast he would've continued to yell! Wit sighs as he survives safely, he didn't know he was that goddamned stupid, geez... Noella then arrives after killing a oni, "You're not even hurt! Yahoo! Heeheehee!" she cheers then suddenly stopped and hated her fate... as Wit replies "Don't worry about me, mate! The demons are too damned prideful to get me, so they die faster! Don't you see!?". The dark-goddess agreed after scratching her tongue "I see, well let's kill the rest of the dung!" she says and the duo went to murder the rest, but there's no break for the best: Wit reaches the top, of the ark when he sees another lightning thing strike the loft!!!? He backs up in horrible fear "Please don't let that be Satan, smiling ear to ear!!!" Wit wonders and watches as sulfur clears... revealing something similar to him, that brought up old-fears...

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