Business Proposal

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                            -Lora and Earnest angrily face off in Castiel's throne room-

The king sighs "That's no reason to do something so dangerous, you could've been killed!", Olivera added "It's true: Does this mean more to you than your own life?". The princess explains "Not only do I care deeply about Campe, but we truly can not continue hurting the creatures of our land and expect anything to change!", Earnest raises his voice "You don't seem to understand that this wos necessary to save our land, we must be sure to prolong our survival! The beasts do not care if we die; we must do this with force! Unless you can think of a better way?!" he ends up asking. Lora puts her hand over her left-breast as she volunteers "I have already, and volunteer myself to see to it that everybody survives and nobody else is hurt in this venture!", Earnest is shocked by her words at first... But then replies "Alright, I wos planning on going to Neptune next: but you and a army of paladin shall go, to see how difficult this is.". Olivera looks back and forth at her husband and daughter in surprise.. Lora then says "I don't want paladin to follow: more so... They're not a good idea for this mission: The pirates and soldiers there have different beliefs and so I would like to bring fighters who aren't as opposing to their lifestyle. Paladins might be a sign of aggression, so I would like to bring like-minded guards, since we are going there to ask for help.". Earnest thinks and then says... "Then go draft anyone you want, to tell you the truth: you have the power to pull anyone from the army and the royal-guard by law, but I haven't told you since it didn't seem important before. But, you will still bring at least one paladin, in case we cannot trust the others.". Olivera stares in surprise at the two as Lora now calmly replied "Thank you, father.." She leaves to her room.. The queen stares at her husband "What's the meaning of this? I understood before, but..." she starts, Earnest answers his wife (unintentionally cutting her off) "It's exactly as I said: I want her to see the real world and how tough making these type of decisions can be. ...It'll be a way to help her be ready for the throne, even before the official coming of age ceremony..". His wife looks away "I see... While I agree with your idea, I don't like that she's doing this at all, even with protection.", the king interlaces his fingers together as he regrets the hasty decision.. "Yes, even though I'm planning on personally instructing the paladin I choose... I feel uneasy about this, too..".

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