Awesome God

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-Wit and Lora awe at the man in fornt of them...-

Yahwen cheers happily "Father!", Noella smirked "Dad-o!", Lora thought as she trembled.. "t's... God??" God smiles warmly at the four in front of him (Though it can't be seen...) "I AM" HE replies. the princess gasps.. "Y, you're... ( How do I ask...) um..." she starts... God chuckled warmly "It's OK to say God, you're using my title. And it's not in vain: you're talking to me.".. The princess sighs in relief: She remembered what the Engels told her, so speaking directly to God maybe should be done a lot more careful than mentioning him, but HE seemed to remove any fears  she had... 

"God appears as a 12ft tall old-English-man, His head's full of white-hair that flows backwards. They camoflage the wings that grow from His temples, too. His body's fit, yet not muscular, and covered in a gilded, white-robe. Similarly to His daughters: gold is about His paps while at the same time, He has no tetragram of His own name on His robe. He also wears sandals, too. Unlike His daughters, though: He has wings on his back, they're white, yet: seem to be rainbow depending on the lighting. His skin's  tanned, and it's somewhat rough like someone who's been working in the fields. His nails and feet, to: they're all chipped and rough, respectively. Another  Important detail is His face: while having the stereotypical appearance of a old-Caucasian-man, His beard and mustache are curly and coarse like a African's. His long-curly-haired beard's reaching to His chest and grows onto his neck. His sideburns also go up from His mustache and to His head hairs.. Last but least is His eyes, God wears circular-specs that catches light: completely; keeping anyone from seeing through them. His voice also sounds strangely like a middle-aged father, with a calm, slightly tired tone..."

The princess then replies "Thanks sir.. God.. Um... Would you save Hyperborea? W, we'll try to do better if  you save us!".. He replies with a exasperated tone.. "Ah, I did hear your prayers: but I don't know about this Hyperborea..", Yahwen replies "Please Father! They'll do better, there' a few trying to right now!!".. God sighs and explains "Yes, I see them, now... Everybody's trying to clean up both from the flood, and what they've caused..". Lora gasps "They DID get hurt?? I, is my famiy okay?? Did anyone die??" she asks in worry... He replies "I can make it never had happened.. I won't worry you with details, just know there's nothing I can't do.", Lora feels relief inside ..then asks again "So you'll do it??". Wit almost adds something, but fear suddenly came over him.. he stays quiet as God replies "I would, but it wouldn't help.. I believe Yahwen may have explained earlier: Our powers are based on working with you, rather than force..", Noella suddenly cheered with surprising-excitement "Uh uh!!! What about what you did to the Israelites, or Sodom and Gomorrah!!?" she turns toward her friends "You shoulda seen that!!"

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