Dark Mist

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                                       -The group makes it back to Caillte Forest village...-

Peche left Wit in Lora's arms and ran to Noella "I have a wraith! Now ple..." the captain starts, the dark-girl stops him "Don't beg, it's unbecoming!" she laughs! Lora and Peche only stare in more confusion as she levitates the wraith's body toward herself... "Alright... lemme see..." she giggled maliciously .. a dark-light emitted from the body, bringing out a long-string of ectoplasm... The others only awe as it wriggles mysteriously through the air and into Lyra... the girl's body starts to glow slightly, until she suddenly flips over! Peche and Lora watch in horror as black-mist suddenly sprays violently from her eyes, nose mouth and ears! Wit's slightly shocked... but the familiar sight had little to no affect on him... Noella smirked as the forest-girl's body returned to normal.... "See? She's fine! No more crying like a baby, alright?" she cheers, Peche stutter "R, re, really!? Th, thank y..." she cuts him off "Come on, at least say it right, without the stutter!". Lora walks to her as Wit leans on his blade... "Noella, could you heal my friend, too?" she asks, the dark-girl glanced at Wit... "No... sorry: I'm all girl-scouted out. No more good deeds for today!" Noella giggled. She walks away a little, causing the princess to cautiously follow somewhat, until she's halted by Noella's words "I told ya who I was to get compliments and junk... not so you can beg me for favors, smell ya later!!", she suddenly shines with the darkest of light and transforms into a  Hamadryas amphinome again.. then flies away... 

Lora stares at the insect: why did she help before and why now? Why didn't she help Wit, too? Why did she appear in the first place? Her wondering's cut short by Peche yelling "Lyra!!", the princess turns toward the siblings, to see the forest-girl standing up and coughing... The captain holds her carefully, making sure she doesn't fall again... "Lyra... are you okay?!" he asks in a worried tone...  she replies "Y.. yes... but.. but... What happened? The last thing I remember... is..."... Lyra looks at their home... "I was inside... and I was ..." she trails off in confusion, he finished her sentence her sentence "Angry?". Lyra looks down at the grass... "Yeah..." she remembers, Peche replies sadly "...I'm sorry, Lyra...". The forest-girl quickly turns toward him in surprise: indicating she rarely heard this... "I should've listened to you about them... and gave them a chance..." he apologized, Lora comes closer... Wit does too, but with a sarcastic-smirk... Though he hides this as he gets closer... Peche then adds "Your ..new friends, they immediately tried to help you when the Magical-karma got to you...". Lyra gasps "Wh, what??", Wit explains as he limped closer "Yeah... you're part spirit and animal: the very things the conscience strikes. Whether or not you have some forgiveness inside, you're still upset about what's happening, aren't you?" he ends up asking... the forest-girl nods her head slightly... the white demon then explains "And when Peche ticked you off, he made a opening for it to take over... you're all chill right now: but if riot or something starts here, you'll all transform...". Lyra looks up quickly with horror in her eyes, Peche sighed heavily... "Yes... it's possible... Lyra was a perfect example...". He walks to Wit "I'll take you to the Great Spirit... because you helped save my sister, even hurting yourself in our attempt... But that's the only reason: I still don't trust humans, nor am I looking forward to working with them..." he explained, Lyra complains "Brother... they...", he cuts her off again "I know... I'll try... but let me take small-steps towards this..". He turns around "Follow me... Cees and Lora...", he says somewhat begrudgingly... The two follow him...

Along the way there, they see the other spirits have gathered around Lyra as soon as they left her... So no one sees Wit's leg: which started smoking!! Lora gasps quietly, Wit stares in surprise too: it's safe to assume it wouldn't heal as fast until he reverted back...

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