Lord of the Dead

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-Everybody watched the creature roar: whatever's coming out of it's mouth is melting the room-

The T-Rex itself looked as if it were a Dark-purple color, and had green, cat-eyes. 

But the creature itself was covered by a black, thick fog that covered it's scaly skin and went into it's body apparently, as it covers the three rows of teeth in the T-rex's mouth... It's eyes also had a ungodly red-glow that almost completely outshined it's actual eyes... Every roar sounded angry and hateful as oppose to a warning yell, too. Don steps back from the beast, which he has only been trying to calm the entire time... Neither him nor Poison have used their magic to fight the thing.. Calan yells "What happened?!", Lora looks up at the angered creature "Wh, wot is that?!" she asks. Don turns around "Princess, you guys?" he asks then looks at Odin and the mystical-wizard... "Calan Gaeaf?! I guess you must've heard him.." he asks . He turns back towards the T-Rex as it roared angrily "For those who don't know: this is the Samhain, the guardian of our family and advisor to current dark sultans.", the group steps back as the thing roars at them, and the black mist barrels down at the group. Don blocks it via his magic as he continues "Normally, he isn't suppose to be like this... but... something's wrong!", Calan sighs as he steps by his side "It's the Magical-Karma: Samhain's angry at you... at all of us.". Odin unsheathes his spear "Shall we destroy him?" he asks for permission to kill... Don replies "...I don't want... B, but, I must be strong. Odin, you stay out of this: in case something DOES happen, you wouldn't be blamed for the death of the royal family's property.". Lora's eyes widened "Wait... you're not considering killing him, are you?" she asks as memories of Campe cross her mind: She wasn't even sure if the dragon was alive now or not... Lancelot steps forward "Not to rush ya, but we hafta kill th' thing, now! Everytime it roars it tears up th' room! I don't know how old this thin' is, but it looks like if anythin' comes down, the whole thin' will, wit' us in it!", Don glared "I know... I don't think he'll let us leave either...", Calan readies his wand "So?". The sultan looks at the people around him, all had either expressions of fear, confusion or were ready to kill... his mother was worried the most though.. the fact that Samhain was trying to kill them, affect her too... He then turns back around towards the lord-of-the-dead "Kill him..." he utters in a regretful, yet angered voice.

Lora  yells out for him to stop, but her small voice's drowned out by the T-rex's roar. Calan aims at it as Don uses his magic to stop it from finally charging forward... Wit sighs as he watched this sight... "This is gonna be boring: they're gonna cast magic and shit and dodge like fucking pansies... I'm going..." he crawls away from the room and finds a opening going outside... Back in the tomb: Don and Poison hold Samhain back as Calan tries to cast...

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