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                 -Lora spoke on her cell, without letting emotion show in her voice...-

"Father, I need a group of paladins to take me home.." she says, the captains almost spoke up, when she starts to leave the group in that area.. Earnest replies "!!!? What happened to the captains??! Why aren't they with you??!" his tone was concerned as he didn't receive any timestamps during the time they were on the plane... Lora explains their situation as she waits at Neptune's gates "They're unable to even move... ...Please send others, or I'll walk home myself.", the king wonders at her request... "Lora, dear... wot happened!? Why're you leaving so fast?!! I want you home, but you never asked for anything during this , a,a,and the captains are all injured??? You...", Olivia snatches the cell from him: of course, since the princess went to a unknown place she was eagerly waiting for her too, and her husband's reaction was unnerving... "Honey, wot happened?! How wos it? Is everything okay???" she asks in worry.. Lora replies as her parents listen in fear... "I'll tell you everything when I get back... I wanted to tell you in private, about Hyperborea.." she says with slightly unnerved-ticks in her voice... Earnest then replied "Alright, I'll send them quickly..."... He hangs up... Lora does too as she glares into the distance: the girl was prepared to leave by herself if necessary, she didn't want the paladins doing anything else that might injure them, and she knew that Noella and Yahwen are watching.. and after catching glimpses of his fight: she knew Wit's still watching too.. She had no worries of leaving into the now dark, angry-creature-infested fields..

Minutes later, paladins arrive with a horse-drawn carriage. "Please get on, princess..." one says, Lora climbs in, at this point: she didn't care how she looked while riding one, she had to get home, rest and get to heaven as quickly as possible... 

The princess then starts to drift asleep: She dreams of when she was younger... of different books and other medias she's seen... then of her new friends... and Wit... strangely, her dreams weren't as confusing and upset as she felt now.. Her and Wit were happy... until she hears "Princess, sorry to wake you: but we're here." a paladin humbly explains. Lora wakes up and quickly gets out of the carriage, she's still slightly embarrassed at sleeping now, but she wastes no time in heading to the castle "Thank you." she says, as not to seem rude or too troubled... but it was obvious something's extremely wrong... 

Her parents are awaiting at the castle gates and signals for her to come inside, later, they enter the throne-room: Earnest had ordered everybody out ahead time, so they could talk in private.. "Wot happened in Eden?!" he asks anxiously, Olivera adds "Yes, the last time-stamp said you found a way to contact God and everything went fine!?". Lora sighs in exhaustion and then explains: "Everything went fine in Eden: the thing they didn't get to tell you, is that I contacted a angel..", the king gasps "Wot the?". He then shook his head and says "Then again, we saw so much already. If there's a God then I guess Angels and demons are real, too!", the princess replies "Yes, it wos just one, but... I was told by it to return here so it would speak to me, and tell me how to directly contact God..". Olivera wonders "It told you to come here?? I'm not questioning you as much as I'm wondering; why would it want you to be here first?", Earnest turns toward her "It makes sense: Our last name and the name of the kingdom means God is my Cover, or something like this... The angel must sense something about the kingdom..." he deduced. Lora then lies "The angel spoke to me while we were coming in here..", her parents both gasp as she continues... "It's saying... to return to Caillte..."... The rulers wonder at this...

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