Origin: Heaven

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                                 -Wit and Lora follow the dark goddess to the Gates of Heaven!-

They watch as Noella steps across the clouds that surrounded the seemingly endless horizon... Wit then steps onto a cloud... Lora watches him and tries too: she easily walks across, despite the instinct coming up in her mind that she'll fall.. she's able to walk on the lighter than air waters... Wit does too: while he can change his center of gravity, since he didn't even feel gravity now; this sensation was strange to him! Both could hear angel-voices, too! They were either positively happy or having general conversation about whatever the people are doing... The white demon looks around and sees worlds surrounding them? In the skies around the gates, it looked like a galaxy; as if Heaven itself hosted a huge one and angels, humans, creatures and demons could easily be seen from here, and the voices of angels can be heard lightyears away from the planets.. They then enter one of the twelve pearly-gates...

Inside: there's beautiful meadows full of flowers and fruit bearing plants! They're divided by streets of gold which is  transparent as glass. There's also many mansions, which were enclosed by walls of jasper. The walls of the city itself was too, and adorned with every gem in existence.. Further, they shined brightly from the light that seemingly comes from nowhere: as there's no sun, moon, stars or any sources of light, manmade or natural... there's also a river of the water of life, which flows from the throne of God.

The couple awe at the sights, one last detail is the very few people who're there: despite looking as if the mansions were made in anticipation of millions.. few angels and heavenly-humans were there: they're all adorned in white with circlets/crowns adorned with stars. ..The princess looks at the river, and where it flowed from.. "We, we're in heaven??' she asks rhetorically.. Noella replied "Yeah, we're home!". She then turns towards them "Welp, let's go! That river you're looking at, should take us to the where we need to go!" she explains, then marches away, the couple follows her...

What would take 50 minutes to a hour or more.. took seconds. They already reached the centre of the Kingdom-of-Heaven, and was merely a mile or so away from the source of the light... There, they see Yahwen waiting for them! She immediately notices them coming up, then skips to Wit and Lora "You made it!!" she cheers as she hugs them! Noella gagged and says "Stop it you touchy-feely, nut! We didn't come up here to talk to you!", the light-goddess turns around "You did! We're suppose to work together, right? And why're you being nasty?" she asks in a upset tone. The dark-goddess shouted "Because you're being gross! Nobody likes you!", Yahwen yells "We're friends! Of course we like each other!". Noella retorted "That's a lie you tell yourself,  you know they don't: they just met you! Heck, I don't even like you and I known you since birth!", Yahwen starts "You... ... jerk! I...". Lora butts in again via asking "Um... sorry to interrupt: but we have to hurry!", Yahwen sighs and turns toward her.. "You're right, I'm so very sorry." she says pleasantly. The princess then smiles wryly "Having said that: can I ask one more question??" the light-goddess smiles and Noella shrugs: both indicating for her to go on: "I don't see a sun.. or any star here? Where does the light come from??" Lora asks. Noella gestured to the center of the kingdom "Brother dear... he keeps the whole house lit.." she replies with snark.  Yahwen smiles happily "Yes, Jesus is house-watching right now, while Father's gone." she adds.. The princess perked up "Wait, couldn't we ask Him for help? I haven't read a lot of the Bible, but he's suppose to be able to do miracles, right?", Noella smirked "Yeah, but he and dad are like one: if He ain't paying attention to Hyperborea, Jesus ain't!" she explained. Lora sighs "Oh... then, let's pray!" she ends the her sentence positively.. Yahwen replies "Yes, let's go!" she happily leads them to the first alter: it seems as if it was cobbled from a few of them... The branches seem to be made of Pearl, Gold, Platinum and Crystal. Each had YHWH etched in silver and Beryl about each individual branch... 

The Light-goddess then explained "This is it: Father took the first alter and hallowed it, not only is it never aging, but it's made of material that wouldn't burn easily. In fact, nothing can effect's either." the couple wonders at the thing, until Noella interrupts "Yeah, yeah: Dad made a invincible, super D, duper alter! Now let's hurry the heck up!!". The light-goddess huffs and says...

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