Choosing a Warrior

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                -The next day: Lora leaves the castle: but under the surveillance of a paladin.-

The princess sighs as she walks the bustling streets.. Few people notice that she's there or are afraid to look in her direction, because of the paladin's uninviting, death-glare... Lora then thought as she makes her way to the west-side of the castletown "I wish I wos alone out here, then I could ask Wit wot he thinks would be best. In all actuality, I... kind of wish I could ask him to travel with me instead: he got me to Campe in a matter of hours, which would of been faster if I rode him there, I mean!". She shook her head, as suggestive thoughts arose in her mind "He'd be better for this, I'm sure he could've easily beaten back the pirates if need be. I mean, there has to be a reason why everything avoided him..". Lora then notices where they are "This is the place, Gawain!" she alerts the paladin, he looks around and notices the princess heading towards a bar. "A, are you sure, princess?" Gawain replies with a worried look on his face "That's where the Mercenary frequent..". Lora smiles warmly "Yes, they are the types we need to lull the pirates into helping us." she explains, then her and the paladin enter the bar and finds it pleasantly calm: it's daylight, so there were no drunks, or fights going on there. Instead: only a few older citizens, the bartender and a single drunk mercenary.. "There he is!" Lora whispers to Gawain, she calmly walks to the old man as he stood up, wobbling a little... She then greets him "How do you do, Mr Whitebeard.", the oldman stops wobbling for a few seconds to focus on who was talking to him..

Lora smiles as Whitebeard squints his eyes and suddenly greets her too "Why, it's the princess!!"

"Whitebeard stands at 5'9 and has the build of has-been body builder; his old age has caught up with him, leaving him to be only a third of how he used to look. He's dressed in silver-coated armor, but if one looks closely: they can see the iron and brass in the deep scratches that decorated his helmet and body armor. The old man's beady black-eyes, made his bushy white: sideburns, mustache and beard pop out. His long nose crooked over this and his shining claymore caught the lights in the bar, making it glisten."

Other patrons turn around after hearing his statement: some try to bow or kneel, Lora shakes her hands and head "N, no... You don't have to do that! This isn't a royal event!" she says wryly. The paladin retorts "Princess, let them worship you: all members of the royal-family deserve this on every occasion!", she turns away from the others and explains "But we're here only to ask for help, we shouldn't act this way, now..". The princess the concentrates her attention on the still slightly wobbling mercenary...

"Whitebeard, sir... You have heard of the predicument our kingdom's in, right?" she asks, he replied "Sure, sure... omethin' about magic cons'ious and stuff, saw it happen before!". Lora then explains with a now more hopeful tone "Then you know, we must have the cooperation of the other kingdoms. And my father is sending me as a representative for Castiel: would you accompany me on this adventure?", Whitebeard laughs heartily "Nah...".

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