Roman (Ch.60)

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I almost didn't want to shut the door. Virgil was out cold laying as far from Deceit as possible but still... That wasn't why I didn't want to close. I could see the way he clenched his fists in his sleep. I wanted to comfort him. Unfortunately... I have to deal with Remy and his friends.

"Hey, glowstick guy!" I frowned slightly shutting the door only to turn and Remus sitting on the table again with this large shit-eating grin. "How'd you get the Demon prince to sleep?"

"DO NOT CALL HIM THAT!" The half elf's eyes went wide as both the girl and I yelled at him. She shot me this look as I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "Virgil is not a demon."

"They called him that because he was emotionless," Remy called out as he sat down on the chair beside Remus. "I think it's clear that isn't true. So maybe try not to start shit, huh kid."

"Whatever." I looked around at everyone and just... I don't know. There was a reason they were here. I mean, besides Remy... Actually...


"So, we're back to that then?" I nodded enthusiastically as Remy sighed. "I don't know, Roman."

"You were dead though. You were sick and you died and... Deceit he..." I stuttered a bit as I started to feel queasy. The image I had tried to push out of my head of him laying there with Deceit and Logan played through my mind again. I honestly thought I was going to be sick. "How is it possible? It's not... not possible. You were human. I mean so was Logan but he married into the realm. You never... never..." I had to choke back the bile that threatened to rise up and Remy started to look concerned. "It not like I care. I'm happy, really... I-I am. Deceit and... and... shit." I nearly fell over grasping onto the table as the room started to sway. I wanted to know. I needed to know but my entire body was screaming at me and I didn't understand why.

"Roman..." Remy reached out to help into a chair. However, the moment his hand touched my should everything went black.

"Are you sure about this, Sir?" The black slowly cleared away to reveal King Patton standing there with Logan and someone I never met before. They were standing beside this large table in a conference room. The man held a scroll in one hand and a pen in the other. His glass sat low on his face as his messy hair drooped in front of his eyes. He had on this sort of vest sweater look with a soft pink tie. He even had light transparent pink wings that seemed to swirl shine like it showed the magic around him. To be completely honest, he looked like a Patton Logan fusion. "This is highly irregular..."

"Yes, Emile. I am very sure." Patton offered the man a bright beaming smile that seemed to do nothing for his nerves as he glanced over at King Logan for support.

"I assure you this was thought over fervently. There is no changing his mind." The man was hesitant that much was clear.

"Brother, please see reason. You..." Emile sighed as he gripped the scroll tightly. "The man is ill. He will not..."

"Emile, I will not have him die a human peasant. That man has not only done so much for this kingdom he opened my son's heart in a way no one will ever be able to accomplish again." Patton's eyes went dark as he held his hand out. His wing fluttering a bit in stubborn defiance. "Now hand me that scroll."

"As you wish, Brother." At first, the scroll didn't look all that special as Patton opened it. The Fairy King placed it carefully on the table with Logan helping to hold it steady as Patton signed it. It was a fairly long scroll that Pat didn't even bother reading. As Logan took the pen, the words 'Marriage' caught my eyes. Or more correctly put 'The Arranged Marital Union'. Patton and Logan both signed a scroll that bound to people together in a marriage legally, without an actual need for a 'wedding'.

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