Virgil (Ch.26)

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The world moved about as if a blur. Like... It wasn't mine to experience. I held the steering wheel tightly in my hand listening to the music and the screams around me. Except... they sounded like my screams... and I know I wasn't driving. 

The RV came to a stop just outside a gas station and I frowned watching myself start to unbuckle. It was clear that 'I' wasn't myself at this moment. 'I' was Roman. I slowly left the Rv and made my way to the station despite the fact that I was screaming in my head. Why would Roman leave the fucking RV? This... This is a dream. I'm dreaming. Clearly. I fell asleep and for some reason, I'm dreaming this. But why?

The moment I... er Roman, entered the station, I could tell something was wrong. There was a subtle scent of magic in the air. I wanted to run. I wanted to get as far away from there as possible. I wanted Roman to get his ass back to the RV. But instead... I was frozen watching through his eyes as he skimmed the aisles.

He grabbed himself a monster and bag of chips before placing them down in front of the cashier. Roman narrowed his eyes as the man rang up his stuff so very slow looking around in fear. It was so very obvious now. Roman was in danger. I watched as he took a very deep breath and I only frowned as my fear was confirmed. Earth Magic... Wood Elves.

Roman spun around and before I could even truly latch on to what I was seeing. I was... Roman was stabbed right in the heart. I screamed out as he fell to his knees. I was no longer watching through his eyes but instead stood over him in complete and utter shock as blood seeped through his shirt around the blade that was still in him.

"This is a dream... A dream... I'm dreaming." I gripped my hair so tightly as I fell to my knees wracked with sobs. "I'm dreaming. This isn't real. It's a dream. A fucking nightmare."

"Virgil?" I couldn't help the gasp that left me as I looked up to see Roman staring at me with tear filled eyes. "Virgil? Is that really..."

"SHUT UP BACK THERE!" Roman flinched as a bottle hit him in the head and I frowned. I looked around me to see I was in some sort of police-like van. Roman was tied up and chained to the wall of the van and I was seated across from him. He looked back over at me and I could see how his skin started to glow slightly. But that didn't seem to register in my mind... all I noticed was the tears.


"Roman, what's going on?" I jumped up and ran over praying I could help him but my hand fazed right through him. Right... I'm dreaming. But this... This didn't feel like a dream. His tears felt real. "Roman?"

"I was stupid. I let my guard down. I-I'm sorry." I cringed hearing the music get louder as if the people in the front wanted to drown him out. Roman didn't seem to care. He was to busy crying. "Virgil, please help. Please..."

"Roman, I don't..." I froze up seeing the blood all over his shirt as his tears fell staining his clothes like glow in the dark paint. 

"Virgil, please. V-Virgil..." His voice cracked as the world started to get hazy. "VIRGIL!"

"VIRGIL!" I jumped up only to see the pure desperate fear in my brother's eyes and my heart dropped. "Virgil, he's gone."

"Wait... what?" All I could see was Roman tear-stained face as Deceit cried. "What... Who? Who's gone?"

"Roman!" The world crashed around me as I jumped out of bed and out of the RV only to freeze the moment I saw the gas station. The same one from my dream. Deceit was freaking out. I... I was numb. I slowly walked myself into the station ignoring how my heart raced. It was exactly the same. Right down to the man behind the register. I calmly walked over to him and saw how his face paled. Deceit just watched in worried silence. 

"Look, I already told your friend I don't know..." I grabbed the back of his neck and slammed his face into the table, my expression never once changing from neutral. Deceit ran over to stop me but froze seeing my red eyes. I could see from the reflection from the polished counter that my disguised dropped completely. I threw the man back ignoring how his blood had dripped onto the counter as I jumped over it. He collapsed onto the floor in a huddled mess as he stared at me with this fear of death. As if I was going to kill him. 

"Did you feel that afraid when you let them take him?" Deceit tensed up as the man's eyes went wide. He started to shake his head as I knelt down in front of him. "You didn't? Well then..." I punched him hard in the gut still not losing that neutral expression as he spit up blood over my arm. "Why didn't you stop them?"

"Virgil, stop..." I once again through the man back as I stood up. Deceit honestly looked terrified. I didn't care. All I could think was my dream. The way he fell when the knife was lodged in his chest. The tears in his eyes as he sat there chained up like a dog all bloody and... I don't know how he lived the attack. But I knew... I knew what I saw was real. And what I saw made my blood boil. "We don't know where..."

"Th-They were elves." Deceit froze as the broken man choked out his words through the blood and tears. "Th-they threatened my family."

"You're family huh?" I was beyond enraged. Deceit looked completely broken as I knelt down in front of the man again. "They threatened your family?" He nodded and I frowned. I placed my hand on his chin and forced him to look up at me. I could see the fear in his eyes. "I cannot fault a man for protecting loved ones. However..." His eyes darkened as I smiled sadly. "... do not fault me for avenging mine." I socked him right in the face and frowned as his head cracked against the linoleum floor. I stood up and turned to see this look in Deceit's eyes. "Don't." He just held his hands up and shook his head.

"I've never seen you so angry before." He let his hands drop and I could see the pain and worry in him. "Where... Where do you think he is?"

"I have no idea, Deceit." I frowned as my disguise came back up. I was pissed... but I was also terrified. "All I know is... They where wood-elves."

"How?" He shot me this confused look the tears in his eyes and I tensed up. "How did you know he knew something? How do you..."

"I... I had a dream. Roman he..." His eyes went dark as I smiled sadly. "He was calling out for me."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now