Virgil (Ch. 43)

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The woods were quiet. I could relax and just be in the moment. I wasn't Vaeril The Dark and Heartless Demon Prince. I wasn't Heir to the Elven throne. I was just... Vae. I was me. I reached down letting my fingers brush against a pretty purple and blue flower. My basket was already filled with herbs and plants Mother used to tell me about on our walks. Even still I plucked the delicate flower from its earthly prison.

I placed it in my pocket carefully as to not crush the flower and went on my way with a smile on my face. I could see the sky beginning to darken and I shook my head laughing slightly. Calen's going to freak out again.

"So the Prince is getting married?" I froze up hearing the sound of laughter filling the woods. "I heard the bride to be is quite the looker."

"Hold your tongue knight." My blood went cold as I rounded a tree to find a camp. Not just any camp... a human encampment. I narrowed my eyes seeing all the knights huddled around a campfire. I should warn Calen. I should... The sound of a twig snapping echoed throughout the place and I took off running. I couldn't tell you if they were following. I couldn't even tell you if they knew I was there. All I knew was when I made it back to camp I was out of breath and shaking slightly as I tried to reign in my nerves.  I hadn't even realized I had dropped the basket. I don't know where or when but I did. I spotted my sister going through some baskets and I freaked. I ran over to her grabbing her arm only to cause her to tense up. I could hear the sizzle and I pulled away in shock realizing I bust have burned... Well, a frost burn anyway.

"Vae? What's wrong?" I couldn't get the words out. I was terrified. There were humans not even a click away. "Vae, breath." I looked over to see her lips slightly blue and I frowned. She never lets off any sign that she feels pain or cold. But she can't hide the frostbite or the blue lips.

"Sorry." I whispered out as I tried to calm myself. I slowly built that wall back up letting out a calm breath only to freeze up as the smell of smoke hit me.

"Vearil?" I narrowed my eyes trying to figure out where it was all coming from and I nearly lost it again. Smoke was slowly wafting in through the trees into the village slowly catching everyone's attention. "What's..."


The moment the word left my lips knights burst through the woods with torches and swords. It was mass chaos. Elves were running away desperate for escape. Humans were attacking any and all elves they could reach, men woman, children, elderly. It didn't matter. They set tents and cabins a blaze only matched by the threes that they came out of.

I saw the little girl I bought the basket from trip and fall just as a knight towered over her. I threw my arm out and watched as his body flew back slamming into a pile of burning rubble. Calen ran to go help her as I spun around staring at everything. Everyone was screaming. Everyone was dying. I... I could... I should've...

"VAERIL!" I snapped out of it as Calen handed the little girl over to me and I frowned. Her eyes were filled with desperation so intense mine couldn't even match it. "Take her and run."

"But Kay..."

"NOW VAE!" She pushed me slightly and I shook my head. "You're the crowned prince Vae. The kingdom needs you."

"I need you." The little girl's eyes narrowed as tears fell from my eyes. "I need you... Don't do this." Calen just smiled as she brushed the tears away. I cringed hearing how her skin sizzled against mine and I tensed up.

"Go, Brother. The Realm is counting on your survival." I nodded and took off running through the smoke and ash. I held the girl tightly into my coat so she didn't get hurt, by the madness outside or by my lack of control right now.

Swords clashed beside me as I stumbled through the battle. The girl whimpered in my arms as I dropped to my knees bending back to avoid a sword threating to run us both clean through. I spun kicking my leg out knocking theirs out from under them and watched the knight in golden armor fall. I sent a blast of dark energy into him and watched is eyes go wide in terror.

"Don't you just hate having to deal with all those stupid men in your squad?" I watched as these dark cracks started to appear in his skin and I frowned watching all the light leave his eyes. Why am I doing this? Why... I'm just proving them all right. "Doesn't it make you so angry? Why should you die here when they are so much more deserving?" All emotion seemed to leave him and I snapped out of it when the little girl clung to me tighter. I frowned looking away and sighed. "Why don't you show them?" I took off running again as the tainted knight slowly staggered to his feet. He walked over to one of his 'friends' and sent his sword right through the guys back straight through the spine.

I made it out of the village and found this small terrified group of elves huddled around praying for safety. They tensed up seeing me and I frowned. I carefully handed the little girl over to one of the women there and froze up feeling a week and tiny hand grab mine.

"V-Vae..." The girl's eyes were filled with such terror but still shined as if she was still hopeful. "Be... safe."

"I should say that to you, little one." I gave her this soft smile before looking back up at the 'survivors'. I had to do something. I couldn't just leave Calen there. Besides, she was right. These people needed me. "There's a rood about a half mile away that should lead you to another lake. If you trace lake a bit you'll find a dip in the woods you can use for cover. You'll be safe there."

"What are you going to do?" I could see the fear in their eyes. They were scared of me, yes, but they were petrified of the humans. So I gave them a soft smile and stepped back pointed back towards the village.

"I'm gonna give you all time."  I started to leave when I tensed up and spun around tossing my weapon over at them, holster and all. It was a Xiphos with a black blade and silver hilt with moonstone and opal accents that catch the light causing it to look like it was glowing. I smiled brightly as one of the men picked it up with shock in his eyes. "May it keep you all safe."

"Thank you, Young Prince."

I wasted no time running back to the village full speed. My thought filled with prayers for the survivors and a desperate plead or my sister. I ran all the back through the trees and shrubbery, ash and flame... only to reach the village center just as a sword pierced through my sister's chest.


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