Virgil (Ch.52)

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The scene playing before me was simple. I knew that. However, the fact that I was witnessing a memory play out like this was offputting. I didn't know how to feel about it. So I settled for annoyance and muted anger.

"Roman I'm am tired of this." Roman simply shook his head remaining silent through the whole thing. We were watching my father perform a transference. "What is the point of..."

"Virgil, shh." I groaned as he put his finger to his lips slowly returning to the scene in front of him. A glass-like crystal sat in the moon pool. We were all looking to... proud. This was a year before the war. I was 14. Father insisted he does a transference. I still to this day don't really understand why. King Damian of the human realm stood off in the corner watching everything. I think... I think it was obvious now. It was obvious what he had planned. The way he watched everything with the eyes of a predator. We were his prey. King Patton was happily giddy about how it all worked. That was the first tie I saw Patton. I never spoke to him. I never 'met' him. Father wanted me there to observe but he didn't want me in all of this just yet. "Is it wrong that I really want to kill him?"

"What?" Roman's eyes went wide as he awkwardly started to scratch his neck. "Kill who?"

"Sorry, didn't mean to say that out loud." I narrowed my eyes as Roman narrowed his still just watching the scene. Father went took the crystal holding it up with a smile as the other kings retrieved their treasure. This was how it had to go. You needed at least two treasures to do a transference. It was a way to make it so that everything stayed united and equal. That no one kingdom could have more power over the others. Looking at the human king now...

That was a load of bull.

"Vaeril... come here please." I tensed up seeing the younger me slowly walk over to the King with a neutral expression. The look of King Damian's face... Oh if looks could kill. Father handed this broken onyx to him with this smile and Vae narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"I don't understand." Father simply laughed.

"It's from the last treasures vessel. Since the onyx was added after the transference they weren't part of the actual treasure, but they should hold some magic still." 

"Then why give it to a child." Especially the heartless demon... I could hear his thoughts. No... but I could see them. The way he glared at me with such poison. I really wish I had just killed him then. But I was far too kind. I forgave the disrespect to protect the unity. I had been nieve.

"He is the heir, Damian. And he is nearly of age..." The Human King scoffed and I could see Patton slowly becoming nervous. "Besides I have my reasons." King Damian was not happy. He simply grabbed the amulet of the pedestal and left the room. The younger me was confused. I had hardly shone it at the time, being old enough to suppress how I felt now but father still smiles anyway, handing him over the broken rock. He held the other half closely.

"Why?" It was all the other me had said as Patton grabbed his spear and left as well, probably to keep the other King from being stupid and lashing out. Oh, look.... too late. Father just smiled. He just smiled... and started to tear up. Roman tensed up beside me seeing the water well up in my father's eyes and I smiled slightly. 

"You're nearly 15, Vae. And soon you'll be an adult..." I was talking right alongside Father having remembered every word he said. I could feel Roman's eyes on me but it didn't matter. "You'll be going out and doing your own things... meeting new people."

"Woah, I'm gonna stop you there, Father!" I couldn't hold back the laugh that escaped me. The look in Father's eyes when I had shut him down was funny. Roman squeezed my hand a bit and I glanced over with a bigger smile to see him watching me. His golden eyes glowing bright but filled to the brim with happy pride... and love. "We are not having 'the talk' at the moon pool. You have royal guests... Kings outside the room." I watched as Vae tried to hand the rock back but Father simply wrapped his hand around his sons pushing it gently back towards the other's chest.

"Vae, listen to me. This is important." I wanted to turn away. I wanted to take Roman away from here. The reason why... I felt guilty. "This rock was once a part of our treasure, thus a tie to our whole race. A very important and meaningful tie."

"So... You think the smart thing is to give it... to me?" Father sighed as the younger me held the onyx up in the air with a slight frown. "Don't you think maybe Kay would be better suited... She's almost 15 too. Or maybe save it for Ren for when he's older..."

"Vae, the stone is not meant for you." I tensed up. I really wanted to leave. The guilt was slowly eating away from me and I knew Roman knew something was wrong. He kept rubbing circles on my thumb as if that would calm me down. "As I said you're nearly of age. This was around the time my father thought I should... take a wife... settle down."

"I'm fourteen, Dad. Even the humans wait until they are 21 to officially 'become an adult'. I told you I am not having the..." The look Father shot him was palpable. "I'm sorry I just don't think I want to talk about 'settling down' right yet." Dad just laughed... so did Rom" an. I groaned lightly smacking Roman upside the head earning a slight glare as I looked around for an escape. 

"Virgil, are you ok?" No, I want to leave. I don't want to be here when he...

"Vae, We aren't always going to be here." I froze up feeling my guilt an anxiety build up even more. "You mother and I won't be around forever, and I want you to be happy." Vae just shot Dad this look like 'really?'. "I want you to find someone you can love wholeheartedly." I cringed and I know Roman noticed.

"Virgil?" I want to leave. I want to leave. I don't want to hear this. I don't... "Virgil..."

"This rock once held magic from the entire elven realm... now... I want it to hold your emotions. I want you to put all your love and happiness into it and when you find the one that makes you smile like Patton does with Logan... I want you to give it to them." And there it is... I stumbled back slightly with tears in my eyes causing Roman to freak slightly. He pulled me into a hug and I just cried in silence. 

"So what your saying is... You want me to give my hopefully future husband a rock?" I could see Fathers eyes widen a bit. That was the first time I ever vocalized that I like men. It just came out with all the frustration but Father he...

"I guess using Patton as an analogy was the right way to go then." He just laughed. He laughed as if it wasn't this big ass thing. I mean... it wasn't but 'coming out' is. He just laughed. "Vae, you aren't giving him a 'rock'. You're giving him a literal link to your realm. It's more meaningful than any ring. You are effectively giving him not only 'your' heart but the heart of the entire kingdom."

"To much pressure." I broke down a little more. I had been right. It was too much. And now I didn't have it. I buried my face into Roman as the scene changed again. I didn't have the onyx anymore. I didn't have it. I burned away with the last of the magic it held inside it when... When I used it as a substitute for the real treasure... to save Roman's life.

I felt the rain falling down on me and I frowned feeling Roman tense up. I knew... I knew that when it rains around me it was often my fault. My magic reaches out and creates a storm subconsciously. When I'm sad... or depressed... or... or...


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