Roman (Ch.16)

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I picked myself up off the floor and turned on the faucet, watching the water swirl around the sink before it dripped down the drain. What the hell's going on with me? I get stabbed... but I wake up with no injury. I cut my hand and the cut just vanishes. Virgil... I... His head just healed. 

I looked up at the mirror and just... I don't know anymore. My eyes were gold. GOLD! As if I had enough problems to deal with. I splashed some water on my face and looked back at my reflection. The gold had vanished slightly if at all. I turned the water off and started making my way back out with the others. I don't even know how long I was in there for. My head was just spinning and everything hurt. Funny considering I was 'healing' myself... and Virgil.

Virgil noticed as I walked in and he just silently watched as I made my way over to the couch. Deceit was still driving. I didn't care. They obviously knew where they were going. They never did tell me, did they? I'm just the moron that followed blindly behind a damn Dark...

"Roman?" I looked over at Virgil and felt my throat close. His expression was soft and filled with worry. "Are you sure you're ok? 

"I'm fine, just... under the weather." He looked down sadly and I frowned. I don't... I don't like seeing him upset. AND IT PISSES ME OFF! "Hey, don't worry about me. I'll be ok. Just gotta rest is all."

"Then why won't you take the bed?" He shot me this look and I laughed. "Seriously, Roman. If you're not well and need to rest, then take the bed. I don't need it."

"Nope, not gonna happen. The room is yours." He rolled his eyes and I could see Deceit shaking his head. "I'm being serious. The room is yours. That's that."

"But Ro..."

"NO VIRGIL!" I snapped and his eyes went wide. The Rv swerved slightly and I started to feel guilty. "I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to yell. It's just... We all need our space. And... I've seen your anxiety... and... and..." His eyes narrowed as my words caught in my throat. I was trying to come up with some excuses that would stop him from pushing but I couldn't think of anything really. "I just don't want the bed, ok? Can we please just drop it?" I leaned over and rested my head on my arm just staring at nothing. "Where are we going anyway?"

"Dragondale... The Fairy capital." Deceit called over his shoulder as Virgil looked away slightly. "It's been awhile since I've seen it. Home... Hey, Virge, has my room been messed with?"

"Dad practically chained it shut. No one's been in your room for 20 years dude. Not since you stayed behind. "Virgil's face fell and he sighed. "You didn't have to."

"Yes, I did. I couldn't exactly let you do it, now could I? Anyway, are you even sure it's still there? Dad was very..."

"It's there. I was the one that locked it up." I just looked between the two of them completely confused and lost.

"I'm sorry what? Why are we..."

"We need the Royal treasures. We have... two. The last one is at home." I narrowed my eyes and Virgil looked away. He reached under his shirt to reveal the broken shard of the lost crystal that he had taken before it all melted. He turned it into a fucking necklace. I still can't get over that. I could see it glowing in response to his touch and I frowned. "The fact that they went so far to steal the Elven Royal treasure... It honestly makes me sick."

"So that was yo...Their treasure. I don't get it." He just sighed returning it underneath his shirt and looked up at the ceiling. 

"Neither do I. The only useful thing any of these... things... have done is save a life. Though..." He looked up at me and I froze beneath his gaze. There was this weight under it. This pressure that made the world seem so small. "I'm beginning to wonder if it actually did."

"Well, I need a pitstop!" Deceit yelled as he pulled into this parking lot. I watched as he ran out of the Rv and I just stood there confused. Virgil and I shared a looked before the both of us ran out to find we're at a fast food place. Seriously? I froze as my stomach growled and I groaned. I guess I am hungry but I was just throwing up. I don't think eating...

"Hurry up slow pokes!" Deceit yelled as he ran inside, and Virgil laughed as he followed him. I just stood there staring, my thoughts finally getting the better of me again. Virgil said we were going to get the Fairy's Royal Treasure. Which clearly states... We don't currently have it. I was told there was only ever three. One for each realm. The Fairies had one and So did the elves. The last one belonged to us. The humans, but it was lost 20 years ago. Father said it was destroyed. So... If we have the crystal from the elves. And we're getting whatever the faires have then... 

What's the second treasure Virgil said we had?

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