Roman (Ch.11)

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I couldn't stop staring at Virgil. He was a dark elf. And not only that but he mentioned Calen, One of the Twins Maya spoke of. He called her sis. If that's true and he's her brother. That means he's the other twin right? He's a... That would explain why he still goes by the title Sanders. 

The last name Sanders is given only to the royal families. Regardless of Race or lack of blood ties, if you're a royal your name is Sanders. I didn't even think about it till now. He's not biologically Patton's son meaning he has no claim to the fairy throne. He wouldn't be a 'royal'. However, he still said his name was Virgil Sanders, clearly stating he is one. 


"Yes... Yes, you are." My face went red as Deceit burst out laughing. I just groaned as I buried myself into my horse's reigns. "I'm glad you agree, Prince dufus."

"Can it, you two." I looked up to see Virgil stopping. I stopped beside him as he just stared off into space. Deceit's eyes narrowed as he looked around.

"Trouble, Virge?" Virgil shook his head and narrowed his eyes. "Then, what?"

"I don't..." He glanced over at me and frowned, before looking back at Deceit with a serious expression. "We have two choices. Push on ahead and take the risk or go back." Deceit's eyes widened and looked over at me. I frowned. They were clearly keeping something from me. 

"We could make camp and wait whatever it is out... since you both are clearly keeping me out of the loop." Virgil got this shocked expression and started shaking his head.

"N-No, we don't know how long that will take. It might g-get da..." I tensed up and looked away, cutting him off before he could finish.

"Fine. Let just take a detour. We might get to another town and it would take more time going back. Besides... we all have phones that need to be charged." Virgil cringed as I sped off ahead, ignoring Deceit's gaze. It actually didn't take long before we made it to another town. This was a lot smaller. There were no woods for Virgil to run off to... that might not be a good thing. I looked back at Virgil who was just looking around with a neutral expression. You won't know the thoughts in his head. Unless you glanced at his hands, which were gripping the reigns so hard his knuckles were white. I could tell he was thinking about later when the sun goes down. I put on my best prideful fake face and smiled wide. "Don't get comfortable boys, this town is only a stop. Since the detour took us off course was going to need to camp out tonight." Virgil's face went white and I jumped off my horse, tying him up. "I will drag your asses if I have to."

"Roman, we really can't risk..."

"VIRGIL WE ARE CAMPING OUT!" He flinched and Deceit narrowed his eyes. "There will be plenty of trees and woods for cover. We'll be safe." He looked away finally realizing it was clearly better than him staying here. I walked over grabbing his bag and he shot me this look. "What? You have our phones."

I walked inside and sat down plugging Virgil's phone in first. His was plugged in last night but... I might have accidentally unplugged it while I was trying to wake Deceit up. It was still dead and Virgil was not happy. He totally bitched at the both of us, but I changed the subject by saying he had slept in the bed and could have down it himself. He instantly clamped up and got confused. 

I laughed and ran a hand through my hair. I would be too. If the last thing I remember is being in the woods and then suddenly wake up back in the motel room I'd be more than a little confused. Thankfully though he didn't ask me any questions and It wasn't like Deceit could. He was out cold all night.

"Hey, Roman..." I glanced up to see Deceit scooting into the seat across from me and I frowned. I looked around to see Virgil skimming the isles. "You're charging Virgil's first?" I nodded and rested my chin on my hand as I stared out the window. "Why?"

"Why not?"

"Because your's is dead too..." I raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed a little. I really didn't like that expression he always has. It made him look like he was always ready to attack you. "It's awfully nice of you to..."

"Cut to chase, Deceit. What's your point?" He frowned and I rolled my eyes.

"Why was Virgil in your bed this morning?" I laughed and just kept looking out the window. "How'd he end up with your phone?" 

"How should I know?"

"I know my brother, Roman. Even if I was asleep I know what he did. He would have left... with MY phone, not yours." I shot him a dirty look and he just scoffed. " You know don't yo..."

"Virgil!" I called out shocking Deceit into silence as Virgil walked over. "Did you find anything you like?"

"Not really. It's all junk food." I laughed and he shot me the confused look. "What?"

"That's because you have to order the food. They have to make it. Here..." I pulled out a random paper out of his bag and grabbed a pen, handing it over to him. "Both of you write what you want and I'll go order it, ok?"

"Roman..." My smile fell and he just nodded. When they were both done I walked over to the people and started to place the order. I glance back at Virgil and frowned. I still can't wrap my head around it. Virgil is a Royal Dark elf... 

My eyes went wide and I started feeling incredibly nauseous. He is a royal dark elf. He was 15 during that war. The things he said to Maya... Oh my god. I felt my chest close up on me and I leaned against the counter trying desperately not to fall. I almost didn't help him.

I nearly left him to suffer.

"Roman?" I turned to see Virgil standing there with a worried look on his face. "Are you feeling alright?" 

"No... not really." He frowned and I just shook my head. "I didn't get much sleep last night. Guess it's finally caught up with me, huh?"

"Maybe we should leave town tonight then. You should sleep in a bed if..." I narrowed my eyes and he clammed up. "Roman, you're being stubborn."

"You're being an idiot." I grabbed the bags from the lady that took my order and headed towards the door.

"Roman, you never charged your..."

"Your's is full right?" He nodded as Deceit walked up with this look on his face. "That plenty enough, let's go."


"Before it gets dark."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now