Roman (Ch. 10)

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"SHIT!"I froze and turned to see someone up in a tree. I jumped back hiding behind a rock and narrowed my eyes. They were holding their arm as they shook terribly. That's when I noticed the headphone. Virgil? Why... He cried out and held the headphones tighter against his ears. I could see the markings that were all over him. They were white and shining. Or at least it seemed like that since his skin had turned dark grey. I frowned as he pulled his knees in close and cried through closed eyes. "Hold it together Vae. Listen to the music. Don't give in."

"VIRGIL!" I yelled up to him but he couldn't hear me. He just pushed the headphones harder and I frowned. Something is defiantly wrong. I looked up at the sky my eyes went wide. There's no moon tonight. No natural light at all.

"NO NO NO NO NO! YOU CAN'T DIE NOW!" I tensed up and looked to see Virgil staring at the phone his hands. "NO!" He screamed out as this black lighting cracked around him. I watched as the phone dropped and I ran to catch it. I tried to turn it on but only saw a bolt. It died. I guess Deceit didn't charge his phone up before Virgil grabbed it. "Don't... d-don't..."

I glance up and my heart sank. Virgil was falling out of the tree. He landed before I could do anything. I cringed as he just laid there. I wanted to run to him but I couldn't. Now that he was closer I could see clearer. His eyes were wide and staring blankly up at the sky. They were red and glowing. His skin a dark grey and the marking all over him were in striking contrast to the rest on him entirely. He looked scary. He looked scared.

There was this pulse of energy coming off of him and I stumbled back in fear. He was being shrouded in these shadows as tears fell from his eyes. He's a dark elf? HOW?! I thought those evil creatures were all...

"D-Don't... G-Give... I-In... Vae. I-It's not... worth the trouble... DAMN IT!" He cried out as his body convulsed and his back arched. "IT'S TO LOUD!" My eyes went wide as I stared at the phone my hands. Was that why he had this? To drown out the sounds? I couldn't hear a thing but then again I am only human. He covered his ears and I looked away. He was still crying. I don't get it. How was he a dark elf? I can't just... "It hurts... I can't... I hate... the dark."

I gripped the phone in my hand until my knuckles turned white. I watched as he put himself into a fetal position just trying to hold himself together. I was right about one thing. He was being affected by something, and it was bad. The dark elves get stronger the darker it is. So it only made sense if it's a new moon they're at they're strongest. I sighed and walked over grabbing the headphones that had fallen off of him into the bushes. They weren't broken thank god. But he was going to need a new pair. They were scratched up and hanging on by a thread.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I groaned as I looked over to see Virgil nearly pulling out his hair. I'm just shocked he hasn't noticed me at all. Then again he is clearly lost in his pain right now. I pulled out my own phone and turned on my music. If he needs something to distract him surely mine will be enough. I plugged the headphones into my phone and walked over. He was shaking so badly, it broke me. I could hear his sobs as I inched closer only to hesitate and pull back slightly. He was a dark elf. I read the stories. I heard the tales. I know the legends.  I shouldn't help him.

"I h-hate the dark. I hate... it so much... damn it..." I saw the shadow cover him like a blanket as he just cried into his knees. "I just... I just have to make it till morning. I just have to hold it back till then."

 I narrowed my eyes in confusion and I kneeled down beside him. He was talking to himself. He didn't know I was here but It was almost like he was trying to reassure himself. He was suffering and struggling. And as much as I wanted to say to hell with him, I couldn't. I couldn't get that poor fearful expression out of my head. I couldn't forget the terrified voice and the pain in his eyes. To have to go through this by himself when he clearly doesn't even want this... I just don't understand him.

 "Hold it together... Breathe... like Calen taught you... Just... I'm sorry, sis... I just can't." My eyes went wide as he pulled himself further in his knees and I felt my own tears start to fall. I gripped the headphones and carefully placed them over his ears. He grabbed them so fast I got startled and jumped back. He just held them tightly over his ears listening to the music that played through them as he laid there. He didn't bother to look up. He didn't bother to see who it was that gave them to him. He just laid there. 

I watched as the shadows slowly disappeared and his shaking stopped. Still, he just stayed laying there. Just as I remained sitting against the rock, watching... waiting. After a long while, I saw his arms went limp and fell to the ground, his eyes closed and puffy from crying. I moved in closer again and actually smiled. The music helped him relax to the point where he fell asleep. The shadows were completely gone and his breathing was stable.

So... Music is what he uses to keep calm? My eyes went wide as the realization hit me. It drowns out the world around him and gives him something to focus on. That's something my father taught me about. He said when I was angry, I should try to turn my attention to something that made me happy. That way I can come back with a clearer mind. In this case... He was just trying to keep his magic down... Of course, that's a guess. 

I could feel my body yelling at me for sleep but I was scared. What if I left Virgil just laying out here? He was in a tree for a reason. Probably to stay out of people general eyesight. I never would have noticed him had he not yelled. I looked up at the sky and smiled a little. The sky was getting a little brighter, meaning the sun was gonna be coming up. I took a deep breath and reached out hesitantly, pulling Virgil into my arms. I felt him shake slightly before wrapping his arms around me.

I tensed up and felt my cheeks get warmer as he nuzzled into my neck. What the hell man? I know you're asleep but... can you maybe... not be so damn... cute. I groaned and covered his face head with his hood, just in case people were up and out and headed back to the room.

When we got there I laid him into 'my' bed and tucked him in. I glanced at the clock and groaned. 5:15 in the fucking morning... When Virgil gets up there going to want to head out. I should just get some coffee and deal with the lack of sleep because I am never...

"Hey, Sleepyhead!" I jumped up with a start and reeled back at the bright lights groaning. "Good, you're finally up. Why'd you sleep on the couch, you moron?" I blinked the haze from my eyes to see Virgil just standing there with his arms crossed. He was back to normal... no, not normal. What I saw before was what he really looked like. This is a disguise. I don't know how I feel about that... Wait. "Are you actually going to get up or..."

"Why am I on the couch?" Virgil shot me this confused look and Deceit started laughing. I looked over to see him sitting on the other bed with the bags all packed and ready to go.

"You mean you don't remember coming in at like 6:30 in the morning screaming about the coffee being horrible and you couldn't drink it only to fall onto the couch like you were drunk and pass out?" Virgil facepalmed and I felt my face heat up in embarrassment.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled as I ran into the bathroom, grabbing my bag along the way.

"Hurry up and get ready Princy. We have a long way to go before we can stop again."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now