Remy (Ch. 54)

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"Jeremy..." I couldn't help the way I groaned as Remus dropped himself over my lap. "I'm BOOOOREEEED!"

"Shoo fly don't bother me." His eyes lit up and I frowned as he transformed into a fly. Just my luck. He was flying all around my face and making me very annoyed. I didn't even mean to, but I ended up swatting at him. However, before the back of my hand could hit him he turned back and grabbed my wrist with this glare. I fucked up. "Sorry." No matter how annoying and childish the young lord is he is still a lord. I am only a knight... a peasant fae that was taken in because of my in-depth knowledge of humans. I couldn't actually believe I was helping them kill my kind. Well, they weren't my kind anymore and with what I saw... I'm glad I was on the elven side. "Please forgive m..." He frowned as he let my hand go and dropped down.

"No. Forgive me. I was bored but that by no means meant I had the right to tease you." He sighed as he looked over the way Kiara had gone and I frowned. "Remy, I want to go."

"Remus, we don't..." He shot me this look again and I froze. "I am your guard. Your protection was entrusted to me by your Father. I just can't..."

"She's of position too. Lady Kiara Kane... Yet you only ever bring my title into this." I frowned as his eyes shined. "If my position of power makes it so you must guard me then you MUST do the same for her."

"She was not given to me for protection. Besides... she has those weapons. She does not need a guard." He threw his arms out in annoyance and I smiled sadly. He was woried about her. After all, they practically grew up together. After the war started villages and towns were attacks. Elves from burnt villages would seek help. The survivors of Gardendale found there way my Lords manner. I still remember the first time I met the small fry. She asked if she could fight me. I thought it was a joke at first but when she pulled out this black blade and everyone around me went silent... I knew she was dead serious. For someone so young and inexperienced, she was also pretty good. Ok, not really but she was alert and I saw potential. 

However, it wasn't long after the mock battle that she was accused of thievery. Turns out the sword belonged to the elven prince.  She placed the sword on the ground and these two knives with a smirk before backing up with her hands raised. I didn't think anything of it until My lord attempted to take them spouting things about cursed races. It was like a flip switched in the child. Her eyes went dark and vines wrapped around his neck. In a blink, she had the black sword up to his chest. She had guts and devoutly followed and defended the elven royals to a fault. It made her stubborn. 

So obviously someone prancing around the final resting place of the late princess and the last known location of the prince made her furious.

"Kai is still resting. Do you really want to..." I glanced back over at him and my heart dropped. He was already gone. "GOD DAMN IT RAY!"

By the time I got myself there, holding a very sleepy moon elf, by the way, I found Remus watching a scene that shocked me. Kay had her arm wrapped around this mans with one of her black knives against his throat. Their backs were both to me and I frowned. She can't just keep attacking people she thinks is disrespecting the royals. I passed Kai to the young lord and held the grip of my weapon tightly as I made my way over.

"LADY KAY!" I yelled out catching her attention. She growled as she shook her head. "Please let the traveler go."

"We don't know what he is, Jer. He has refused to even speak his name."I frowned as she finally removed her arm letting him turn around.

"Actually, I did tell you my name." He slowly spun around and my heart did a literal summersault. There in front of me stood the man I've loved for so long. The man I thought I would never see again. The man that cried on my deathbed when my last life ended. "You just refused to accept it."

"Deceit?" His eyes glanced over at me and my blood froze over. It took only a second but I managed to snap out of my thoughts bending down to show respect. After all, I am a fairy now...

An he is my prince.

"What, what you doing?" I shot Kiara a glare shutting her up as Remus slowly walked over. I groaned in frustration as I slowly stood back up.

"Apologies, My Prince. My companions were not aware of your identity." Remus's eyes went wide as he bowed slightly. Kia just pierced her lips. I glared at her again and she shook her head.

"No disrespect... It's just I made a vow to only bend the knee to one man. You are not him." Like I said devout to a fault. I tensed up hearing Deceit laugh and I couldn't mistake the heat in my cheeks. It's been so long. It's been well over a century since I've seen him let alone heard him laugh. I've missed him so much. Dee... He glanced over at me and frowned looking me up and down. He didn't recognize me. Obviously. I look nothing like who I was... I am not who I was. I just... I never used to believe is reincarnation until it happened. 

"You're a fairy... Grundel maybe?" I smile a bit as I let my wings sow for the first time since I was a child, in this life at least. His eyes went wide as I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. "A Pixie, but..." I just shrugged hiding my gold and white translucent wings again.  His eyes went to Remus and I tensed up. "We all need to talk. Follow me."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now