Roman (Ch.35)

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"Demon?" I was pacing the blackened void that was my mind space as the sprite frowned watching. I had to get away and seeing as how I was trapped the only escape I had at the moment was my own mind. "Why did she call Virgil the Demon Prince?"

"All I know is that the eldest son of the late King Koren never had full control of his magic." I frowned as the sprite fluttered about creating copies of people in front of me. One of them was obviously Virgil, just in a different outfit and without his disguise. The sprite landed cautiously on who I could assume to be the King. His black hair was slicked back much like how Virgil had it at the party below a crystal crown with a single broken black stone. A stone that matched the one Virgil had when he did the transference with me.  I just narrowed my eyes.

"What the point of this?"

"You need to learn about the different royal families. You are a treasure after all." I frowned as they just sighed. "As guardian, I am subject to the history regarding the treasures. I am aware of all information pertaining to it and its royal family. Such as... The death of Queen Trea and Prince Renril are not as accurately described as the believed. It was... a lot worse than a simple arrow to the heart."

"I don't think I want to know." They just smiled as he flew over to the Virgil copy.

"The Royal Twins were a force to be reckoned with... even in the great war. The Witch and The Demon... The fear they inflicted when they landed on the battlefield was immense." The scene shifted around us until I was standing in the middle of this raging battle. Swords clashed and magic was shot about shaking the earth with such intensity. I was entranced by the carnage until I spotted them. Bright red eyes...

Calen and Virgil... Calen and Vaeril walked calmly through the calamity looking like total badasses. I wasn't even kidding. The two wore matching outfits that could only be described as eerily similar to something Neo or Selene (Reference above) would wear.  The battle that raged around them didn't seem to even attempt to get in there way as Calen stopped and looked around.

"Brother." She called out as she unholstered two curved black blades and Vae nodded quietly beside her. The differences in their personalities were apparent. Even back then Virgil was silent and soft-spoken where his sister was bold and confident. I watched as Vae spun around, his back to hers and a single hand in the air, as this large black disk branched out above them. Someone screamed demon and Vae narrowed his eyes as he flicked his hand down and the disk launched through the mess of enemy knights. Enemies... Humans. I blinked and the sister was gone. Vanished in thin air right in front of me. The only thing I could see was the destruction in her wake. Bodies dropped like flies in a zapper as she speedily disposed of as many people as she could. I just frown seeing the disappointed look in Vaerils eyes. I knew... He hated fighting. "Hurry Up, Vaeril!"

"Sorry." Vae whispered out as he stuffed his hands into his coat pockets. The world seemed to darken around him. The glasses he wore barely hid the glow of his red eyes. The sky rumbled with thunder as storm clouds gathered. Lightning flashed as the rain began to fall and I could see as people ran to get away from him. Vae seemed so bored as he watched everything with a neutral expression. A blast of energy tore through the land I watched as people froze. Everyone. Humans and Elves alike. Calen turned around to see her brother frowning as she patted him on the back. 

"What did he do?" The sprite frowned as I just watched Calen stepped out in front of her brother with narrowed eyes. 

"As the eldest son, he is in line for the throne." The sprite just sighed as if that could explain everything. Calen took off weeding through the crowd taking out enemies faster than ever before without a single worry of retaliation. "Because of the realm favors him. Same as it favors you."

"That doesn't explain what he did." They groaned slightly as the storm got worse until it was hard to see. However, Vae just stood there unaffected and honestly done with everything.

"Every elven race as a unique ability... its another way of saying 'type of magic'." I couldn't even see Calen anymore she had gotten so far away. Vae checked his watch and sucked on his teeth before brushing his hair back in annoyance. "Like how that Bosmer choked you with the vine. They have earth magic and can manipulate it. Altmer's are energy based. They can manipulate the energy around them and give it form. The Drow..." They froze glancing back at me with this look in their eyes and I froze. "I wonder... What do you think their magic is?"

"My grandfather said they were dark beasts that feed off the night and control the shadows." Their eyes darkened as I frowned. "He said they can even create hollows."

"He was wrong." He pointed up at the sky and I narrowed my eyes watching as the lightning would flash. It would only flash towards him as if pointing at him showing he was the cause. As soon as it would flash the light would vanish. "People often mistake what they see. But If you look up instead of at him it becomes a little clearer. Dark elves... Ironic if you think about it. They are the 'lightest' race out of all of them Vaeril included."

"I'm confused." I frowned as Vae's marking started to glow as the shadows that surrounded him grew stronger. "What's happening?"

"The Drow... aren't 'dark' elves, Roman. They're called that because looking at him you would think he's controlling the dark. If he's doing that then he must have dark magic and thus inherently evil." I just watched everything sadly as the sprite went about the 'lesson'. "However, looking up at the sky you can see things a little clearer. Yes... Drow can manipulate the darkness and shadows that encase them... but that's not all they can do." My eyes went wide as Vae blinked turning his eyes glowing pure white. There was this explosion and Vae smiled.

"About time, Kay. I was about to lose it." I was frozen in stunned confusion as I watched Vaeril throw both hands into the air only to get slammed into by several different things lightning and I jumped. Vae wasted no time in throwing his arms out to his sides as if he was not just hit with 10 billion volts of electricity. This ring of light shot out from him like a burst of energy as the shadows that surrounded everyone still standing disappeared instantly. In just one move Vaeril took out EVERYONE! Not the dead kind of take out... the entire battlefield laid there stunned, unconscious, or in shock. The humans Calen took out now lost amongst the see of incapacitated knights. "What's the point of taking out everyone? The war isn't going to end because a battle was forcefully stopped?" 


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