Roman (Ch.31)

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I slowly opened my eyes to see the sun peeking through the window as if it was saying 'Hello Roman'. I just smiled pushing myself up out of the covers imagining a bright ball of happy smiling down as it waved at me.

"Good morning mister sun." I laughed a bit as the light shined brighter through the room and I turned to see Deceit at the table looking at the little bird again. "Good morning Dee." He froze a bit before looking back at me.

"Oh, right. Morning, Ro." I frowned feeling his worried confusion fill the space and I quickly crawled out of bed and scrambled over to him. 

"Is everything ok with the birdy?" Dee frowned as he picked me up and sat me on his lap. 

"Yeah. His splint is good and his wrappings are nice and tight..." I frowned as his confusion got worse as he glanced over at the bed with narrowed eyes. 

"Dee, what's wrong?" He shot me this look and smiled sadly seeing how worried I was.

"Nothing, Bud. I'm just a little lost. The last thing I remember is you showing up with a box but..." He was so tired he couldn't remember what happened. I kept him up way too late his mind wasn't able to cope. "Everythings a bit hazy. Like I half asleep during it all."

"I'm sorry." Deceit immediately jumped up pulling me in tight as he walked over to his chest laughing a little.

"Now why are you sorry, Roman?" He opened the chest to reveal all these toys he had gotten me so long ago. We'd usually sit and play pretend when I was upset. It always made me feel better but I didn't feel like playing.

"I kept you up too late." He carefully set me down and laughed a bit as I just stood there with my head down. "I just wanted you to help the little birdy. I didn't know how too and... I'm sorry."

"Roman, don't apologize. Besides..." He handed me over a teddy bear and I frowned I hugged it tightly. "I'm not exactly able to 'stay up late'. As soon as that soon goes down..."

"But you did." I whined a bit and Deceit frowned. He knew I didn't like it when people didn't believe me. They always say 'you just imagined it' or 'I have quite the imagination'. I may be 4 but I know the difference between real and pretend. "You didn't get to sleep till 10."

"10?" He was trying. He was, but I could feel that he still didn't believe me. He just couldn't see how that could happen. I just fell to the floor crying and Deceit instantly picked me up again. I latched onto him praying I could get him to see. I felt bad. I never even thought if he would get sick. What if he did and he didn't know why because he couldn't remember? He didn't believe me so it's not like he'll understand. Please... Please believe me. "Hey there Bud, don't cry." He sat us both down on the bed and started to rub my back softly as I hickupped through the tears. "If what you said is true..."

"IT IS!" Something seemed to flash in his eyes as I slowly pulled away.

"If what you said is true then don't you dare cry. or feel sorry." I narrowed my eyes as he smiled brightly. "I mean I feel fine. And on top of that, I got the best surprise ever."

"A little birdy sleeping on your table?" I laughed a little and Deceit just chuckled as he ruffled my hair. 

"No Silly. I woke up to my little man smiling away as he slept next to me." I pulled me in again this time for a hug and I smiled brightly. "You've never asked to sleep over before. I just wish I could've done more. I'm pretty dead to the world when I sleep huh?"

"I don't care." I giggled a bit pushing the teddy bear into his arms now. "I'm just happy we could help the birdy." I jumped off his lap and ran over to see the little one up and cleaning itself as it examined its wings. It looked up at me as I made it the table and I smiled as it started to sing. I laughed a bit and nodded. "Yeah, Dee's a bit lost this morning." Deceit face paled as I jumped up on the chair and started to pet the bird carefully avoiding its wing. "How are you feeling?" It tweeted a response and I could help but feel glad. I just knew it was telling me it was feeling better, and that made me happy. "That's good. I'm glad we could help." 

"Roman, you understand it?" I looked over to see Deceit watching skeptically and I shook my head. "Then how..."

"I just know. It's hard to explain, Dee." His eyes went wide as he walked over and I smiled. "So... I did help right?"

"Well, sure you did bud. You got it to me and you... apparently kept me up somehow. You did good." I beamed as the little birdy sang some more saying thank you. "I'm serious, Ro. You were really good. Birds like this rely on flight for survival. If it didn't get its wing treated it might not have made it very long." That caught my attention real fast. My eyes went wide as I literally jumped up onto the table. "Roman, be careful..."

"If it can't fly, it could die?" I knew the answer even before I asked it. I was a very smart child. I could understand why it needed to fly. It needed to avoid bad guys and get food. It needed to be able to fly home to its family. It couldn't do that now that its wing was broken and Deceit said he can't really use healing magic. Someone needs to help it. It has to be able to fly. "Dee..."

"Hey don't worry, Bud. It'll fly again. We just got to get it to a vet or..." I pierced my lips and narrowed my eyes causing Deceit to freeze in concern. Someone has to help it. If it moves too much it might make it worse and then it will never fly so... I sat myself down and started to pet it again. It started to sing as it brushed itself around my finger. I'm the mystical Roman. I can be whatever I want to be. I can do whatever I put my mind to. I just have to want it. Well... I WANT TO HELP THE BIRDY! "Roman?"

"Shh..." Deceit frowned obviously worried as I carefully picked the birdy up. I'll be its one fairy godfather. I'll make it all better so it can fly home and be with its family. I'll... I'll heal it and make it all better. I could feel the little bird move a bit as the air around me slowly started to light up. My hands glowed subtly around the tiny bird and Deceit just stood there frozen watching with scared eyes. That doesn't matter though. I'll make it better. I have to make it better. I promised I would. I just... I gasped as the little birdy jumped back shaking its wing a bit before pecking at the bandages. "Do you want them off?" 

"Roman, what..." I narrowed my eyes as I placed my hand over them for them to fade and disappear. Mind over Matter, right Father? You can make even the magical happen if you will it to be. The little birdy flew about the room with such happiness I jumped up laughing. I did it. I actually did it. I healed the birdy. I ran over to the window, opening up wide, and the bird flew out singing a happy little song. "Roman, how did you..." I turned to see Deceit face all white and I narrowed my eyes. "Shit... there were side effects."

"Side effects?" I frowned as I walked over to Deceit. He was scared. Scared for me but still. I couldn't understand. What was so wrong with what I did? I only wanted to help. I'm always being told that anythings possible. That we can shoot for the stars if we wanted to but... Deceit was honestly afraid because I healed a little birds wing. "Did I do something bad?" His eyes went wide as he pulled in tight. I couldn't help but start to cry. "Is something wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong with you, Roman." Deceit wiped away the tears with a sad smile as he knelt down so I didn't have to look up at him. "Don't you ever think there is." 

*Discontinued* CursedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ