Roman (Ch.39)

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I opened my eyes filled to determination. I had to get out of this. I had to. I had to help him. Nia... She'll kill on the spot if she... if she learns the truth about him. I can't let that happen. My usual glow flared out like a homing beacon causing the guards to groan in frustration. I just smiled as I pushed myself up to my knees. There was another thing I took from all that mess of information the sprite gave me. Only those of that race and touch the respective treasure. That's why Virgil couldn't touch the amulet or Deceits spear... er, cuff now. Yet... That rule doesn't seem to affect me. Why?

"Hey, can you stop that excessive glowing?" I laughed shooting the guards this sassy shrug. They both scowled at me in anger.

"Now, why would I do that?" I'll tell you why the rule didn't affect me. I didn't want it to. Just like with the fall, I will myself to be normal enough to be held. I mean... All those times Deceit held me or hugged me... And now? All I want to do is hold Virgil tight in my arms. The problem is if they can touch me, they can hurt me. And right now, I need to be untouchable. So... Roman your gonna figure out a way to undo whatever alteration little you did. Mind over matter, right?

"I SAID..."

"You said what?" I growled out cutting the elf off. Her eyes went wide as fear filled the space around me. I just smiled, slowly getting to my feet. "What are you going to do to stop me?" The man on the right of her groaned as he ran over punching me in the face.

"You humans and your self-inflated ego. It doesn't matter if you some immortal glowstick. You still feel pain..." He held my collar tightly as he got in real close with a literal snarl. "... and you're still in chains." I just laughed as felt the metal fall off my wrist so much easier than it did last time I tried. It was barely even thought to be honest. I am Prince Roman after all. I can do anything I put my mind to. Even this. 

"Are you sure about that?" His eyes went as I grinned evilly. I grabbed him by the shoulders and headbutted him hard enough I couldn't help but wince at the headache I got. He dropped to the ground in fear... and pain... as the girl took out her sword and pointed it at me. I just stood there rubbing my sore forehead till the pain went away. "Remind me next time I try that too... you know what never mind." The man swung his feet out from under me causing me to fall and next I knew his hands where around my throat. I struggled against his grip as the air left me entirely. God damn it. What is with the choking?! I place my hand on his face as the black slowly started to creep in. I'm a royal treasure. These are elves. They shouldn't be able to touch me. THEY CAN'T TOUCH ME! 

Smoke started to seep out around my hand as he screamed out in agony. I watched him fall to the ground with a hand burned into his face and I cringed. Well shit... remind me not to touch Virgil until I figure something... or Dee for that matter. The woman ran at me and I frowned. I moved slightly tripping her up and basically, karate chopped the back of her neck. I could hear the sizzle of her skin as my hand made contact and I turned to see her out cold with a clean line burned on her. I barely touched her long. Stop Roman... You wanted this.

The glow receded to just above the skin as I walked out of the tent. I frowned seeing that no one was in site. No one was here... because they... My eyes narrowed as I glanced over at this path off to the side. They're all with Nia. I followed the path my mind was showing me all the way up until I saw a crowd of elves. 

"I'll ask again. WHO ARE YOU?!" I narrowed my eyes seeing Nia point her sword out and my heart dropped. There on his knees was Virgil. Deceit was beside him with his head down and I frowned seeing the blood slowly dripping off of his face. Virgil just stayed there with this look that... it scared me, to be honest. He looked pissed and ready to tear each and every one of these elves apart. "What are you?" His eyes narrowed as she laughed. "You are certainly not human."

"Well, neither am I so..." I yelled out causing everyone to freeze. Virgil looked over at me and his face fell fast. This look of shock filled his eyes completely overshadowing the relief I felt in him. I held my hands out to the side ignoring the way my body glowed a little brighter in response to my need to protect him. My need to hold him... I can't. Not anymore. "Why don't we put the sword down and talk Nia?" She laughed as I slowly made my way over toward my group. I could see the bloodlust in her eyes. I could feel her hate. "Or not... I mean, we could continue this dance we have going?"

"Your late asshole." I frowned hearing his voice all raspy and I looked over to see Deceit look up at me with a smile. I... I couldn't say a thing. His eye was swollen. His nose was bruised and broken. His lip was cut up. They beat the shit of him. He just laughed making me frown even more. 

"Sorry. I was a bit... tied up."

"Enough of this!" Nai lashed out at me only to freeze as I caught her sword with one hand. Her eyes went wide as she tried to pry it out of my hand but I just narrowed my eyes. "You fucking freak!"

"We've been over this, Nia." My voice dropped to a growl as I squeeze her sword so tightly it cut into my palm. Blood dripped down the blade as the sound of the metal straining could be heard. "You're the one who's been trying to kill me." The blade shattered in my grip and she fell back in fear. I just let my hand drop ignoring the blood that dripped down as I knew my hand was healing. "You locked me up like a dog, playing this game of just how much can Ro survive... And you're calling me the freak?"

"I should have known these men were here for you." Her face went dark as these vines wrapped around her wrists creating some sort of cuff. "And I wanted today to be so special." My eyes went wide as I looked up at the sky to see this dark circle and my blood froze. I had totally forgotten. When they kidnapped me the elves said there was going to be an eclipse. I glanced back at Virgil, who was just staring at me with this broken confusion. He really thought he was going crazy. He didn't understand how I was glowing. I had to get him away from here before...

"The Eclipse."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now