Roman (Ch.40)

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"The Eclipse." Deceit tensed up looking up at the sky with this fear. Virgil just looked confused. Did he... Did he not know what happens? He loses control yes but... I looked back over at Nia with this burning rage and desperation so strong she actually took a step back.

"Roman?" Deceit's voice was shaky and I sighed.

"I know." That was all I said before Nia had enough standing around and lashed out with this vine whips that sprouted from the cuffs she made. Now I know why she made them. I jumped back one of the vine slice my cheek drawing blood and Virgil started to freak out. I just sucked my teeth a scowl. "Haven't you learned already?"

Her only response was spinning herself whipping the vines around as I struggled to avoid them. Every once in a while one would cut my leg or my arm. One hit my eyes and I fell back in shock, head reeling. She towered over me and I looked behind her to see Deceit struggling to his feet. The cuff on his wrist slowing slightly. She went to strike again when the vines froze, refusing to listen to her command. They snaked around her tightly as her eyes lit up with this intense fear. Deceit just laughed as he slowly spun around. The bruises and cut nearly completely gone as he shot her this wicked grin.

"You pissed off the wrong fucking prince..." Her eyes went wide in terror as Deceit cracked his neck. "Actually... You've pissed off three." Deceit held his hand out twirling an invisible staff until the cuff transformed turning into a spear again as he spun it around him. "Ro..." The sky started to dark causing Virgil to jump up in realization. Both Deceit and I got this look as the other Elves pulled out their swords. I looked up to see the black circle blocking only a bit of the sun but the effects were already starting. Virgil whimpered as he stumbled back holding his arm tightly against his chest. The glow around me flickered until it vanished and my eyes went wide. He was using my light. Or trying to... But that isn't going to help him this time. Nia's eyes went narrow as the sky slowly started to get darker. Virgil fell to his knees, his breathing erratic as he desperately tried to hold back the energy that was building in him. "Shit. Roman!" I held out my hand imagining Virgil glowing like the lightning he summoned so long ago and smiled as his skin cracked with energy. His eyes went wide in shock revealing them to be glowing red as his skin shined like polished porcelain. He looked up at me with this question in his eyes and I smiled sadly trying really hard to ignore the hatred that ripped through the place.

"Just hold on as long as you can." His eyes narrowed as the world around us continued to darken. "It's going to be..."

"Dark elf." I cringed at the pain that ripped through him as Nia cried out for his head. "I knew I recognized those eyes. VAERIL!" Several of the elves that surrounded us faltered a bit as Virgil cried out doubling over. "Looks like the rumors were right, Roman." I frowned feeling the energy build up in me. The glow never came back but I understood why. She just smiled wickedly. "And surprise... You already. To think you had the Demon Prince in your..."

"DO NOT CALL HIM THAT!" I growled out as the energy began to burn through my skin waiting to be let loose. Her eyes went wide and I pierced my lips in rage. "He is not a demon. And as far as I'm concerned..." I held my hand out noticing the white smokey haze that began to waft around my fingers. "... Your the only dark one here, Bitch!" This blast of white energy ripped through me poised to blast right through her only... it didn't. It froze mere seconds from her face burning the tip of her nose sightly at its proximity. I tensed up feeling the ever constant pulses of energetic waves tear through the air.

I looked back to see Virgil sitting there on his knees frozen. His arms hung limply at his sides as his back was hunched over, head down in this sort of broken position. The air rippled around him as shadows seeped out of his clothes slowly covering him up like one of those ghost possession you see in some anime. My blood turned icy as he slowly staggered to his feet as if he had hardly any motor control. The sky turned black as the last of the sun's light vanished. The moment it did This finally intense blast ripped through everything so strong it sent us all reeling. He slowly looked up smiling deviously with demonic red eyes and his skin turned black. His disguise disappearing completely as his eyes skimmed the mass of bodies before him.

"It's still a little too bright here." He smiled brightly as he held his hand out. Tiny little black orbs of darkness flew above his palm and I frowned. This... This wasn't Virgil. This was the darkness. "Let's kill the light. Shall we?"

*Discontinued* CursedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu