??? (Ch. 50)

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"What the literal hell are you doing?!" I screamed causing the young man in front of me to falter a slight bit before bursting out in laughter. I just groaned seeing the youngest of us covered in drawings, not all of which appropriate. "I leave for 5 minutes and you're already causing shit."

"But of course!" The young man beamed as he tossed the marker off to the side and laughing over the sleeping moon elf. "It's his fault for falling asleep."

"He's nocturnal!" I sighed and ran a hand through my hair trying to calm down as to not stir up more issues. "May I ask, what possessed you to do that?" The Halfling simply shrugged.

"Kiara, you know as well as I do..." His eyes went dark as he grinned mischievously. "I never have a reason for my actions." He jumped throwing his arms in the air with a heartfelt giggle. "Willow says I have no impulse control!"

"Colt thinks you have no control in general. No concept of morality either." I growled out causing his eyes to flash before letting his arms drop. Confused sadness filled his eyes and I frowned. "Sorry." The young man groaned out as he plopped back into the grass. His body shifted and in a blink of an eye an I found myself staring a tiny green feathered hummingbird. Shit... I've upset him. "Rem..." The bird took off and I groaned again into the now silence filled space. How the hell was I supposed to lead and protect this group if this group is so... FRUSTRATING?! I sat myself down in the dirt feeling a bit tired.

"I believe that would mark the 5th time this week Lord Remus ran off." I frowned hearing the voice of the only other person I would call a friend here, the personal guard to the pain in the ass himself. I couldn't help but smile as the fae sat down beside me, his golden eyes laced with concern. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, it's just... I'm good." The man beamed brightly as he brushed the hair out of my face. It was sometimes hard to believe this 20 some on looking man was alive well before the war. Or that he was once human, if his stories are true that is. I always found his tales to be a bit tall. He spoke about this snake prince and his love... but he spoke about his glasses the most. What do glasses have anything to do with... You know it didn't really matter, to be honest. His story however real or fake was one of mystery and intrigued.

"When you do think he'll come back this time?" The guard just scoffed as he shrugged. "Great..."

"Hey don't fret kid. For all his faults Ray is..." The little hummingbird flew back with such speed it sent us all reeling. Remus turned back to his preferred elven-esk form and our hearts dropped. He was out of breath and in shock. I wasted no time jumping into action. "Ray?"

"Please inform the twins we are moving." I spoke quickly giving the guard his instructions, but he fae just narrowed his eyes as the young lord held his finger up.

"We... we can't... We can't..." The poor halfling was trying to catch his breath. "Travelers." He fell to his knees overcome by exhaustion only laugh as he pointed to where he had come back from. "They're at the Witches Pyre." That caught my attention real fast. Why would anyone want to go there? Not only is it dangerous because of all the broken remains and ruins... It's a blatant disrespect to the princess. Refusal to let the princess rest in piece... showing off her fallen form like some sick trophy... and now people gawking and traversing into her final resting place as if she was some exhibit.

"Kiara, no..." I grabbed my weapons and 'suited up' readying myself to go. The fae just watched with worried eyes. "Kiara!"

"If they are there to show the princess disrespect then I would do well to put an end to it." There was a flash that past the older Faes golden eyes and I tensed up. After all, I may be the leader of this group but his sole purpose was the young lord's protection. "If this is where we must part ways then..."

"Hold on there firecracker." Remus cried as he looked between the two of us. I just narrowed my eyes as I started to tie my red hair back. "I'm not leaving anytime soon."

"Lord Rem...."

"NO, JEREMY!" The Fae reeled back at the sudden authoritative sound the young lord pushed. He didn't use it often but when he felt he needed to, Remus wasn't afraid to show his position of power. "I am no more important than her. And she is correct, if those men are there to show harm to the late Princess, then it is our duty to put an end do it."

"No, it's her's. She swore an oath. You did not." Remus's eyes started to glow bright green causing the older fae to worry the younger would flee again. 

"Do you think my promises as underhanded and inconsequential? I may be random and impulsive but am still to be held accountable to the things I say. I made a promise when I joined this group..."

"Hardly my lord, you offhandedly mumbled an agreement to question of fealty." I was getting annoyed and by the look on Ray's face so was he.

"I am not turning tail because of a few travelers. We have no mission. We have no responsibility. We have no reason to run. So suck it, Sandman!" The Fae's eyes flashed as Remus spun around to look at me with this big smile. "We need to get going, Lady Kay. To be honest I'm a bit concerned." I tensed up hearing him use my title and I frowned. 

"What about?" He just smiled sadly as he looked back towards the ruins of my once home. "Ray?"

"One looked very ill."

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now