Roman (Ch.34)

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"VIRGIL?!" I jumped up with a start and the light that surrounded me flared out in response blinding the elves that I knew were guarding me. I couldn't see much through the blindfold they had put on me the night prior. It took everything I had just to calm down enough for the light to dim down enough so I didn't see it through the cloth. I managed to see him. I managed to call him to me. I can... I can still see him. I... I even held him. I strained against the binds as they cut into my wrist and I cried out. WHY WON'T THESE BREAK, GOD DAMN IT?! "Fuck!" The light flared out again and I cringed as my head hit the floor. I had to get out. I had to get back to him. Virgil he... He didn't look like he was doing too good.

"Settle down there, Starshine." I froze up hearing her voice and frowned. She... she had a knife again. I could feel it. I could hear her footsteps draw closer and I tensed up. It was fast... to fast to see even if I could at the moment. The sound of fabric tearing hit my ears as the sharp pain of something cutting my temple hit me. Down fell the blindfold and I frowned seeing her smiling.

"That hurt." She just laughed as she knelt down in front of me. "You didn't have to cut it off."

"Why not?" She brushed her thumb against where she had cut, pulling it away to reveal the blood that coated it. "You heal instantly." I could see the usual glow around me get a small bit stronger. I haven't stopped glowing since that whole trip down memory lane. Nia just smiled as ruffled my hair a bit before pulling back and punching me right in the eye. My head it the floor with a loud crack nearly knocking me out and the glow receded to just above the skin. I really hate her. If Maya was anything like this... I'm glad I never saw it. "You're not even human are you, Roman?"

"Says the wood elf who takes pleasure in hurting me." I choked out as I rolled onto my knees. My hands were still bound behind me. "Aren't Bosmer supposed to be all...  love and peace?" Her eyes narrowed as she growled out, her eyes glowing yellow. Pretty sure it matched how yellow my golden eyes looked. I couldn't help but choke out a laugh. "You fit more under the stereotype for a Dark el..." A vine wrapped itself against my throat cutting me off as it lifted me off the ground. 

"Don't you EVER call me that again." The vines got tighter and tighter till I could feel blood dripping around it. I couldn't breathe. She just growled as stood there watching me choke. "You know Roman. There's a rumor out there that a dark elf lives." My face paled as I struggled against the vine that cut into me. "And he's looking for you." Virgil! I started kicking. Anything that could cause the vine to break. "Do you know what you're family did to them?" I could feel as the energy surrounding me burned through me. I need to get out of this. I need... The binds that held my hand snapped and I reached up towards the vines. Her eyes widened as the vines burned away causing me to fall on my hands and knees choking for air. "How the..."

"W-What... What did we do?" Her eyes darkened as I slowly sat back. "My grandfather... never went... into detail." I was trying to catch my breath as she just laughed her ass off.

"You sent them to hell that's for sure." She beamed brightly as I frowned. "Those monsters were hunted down like vermin. And the family..." My blood ran cold as he growled with a sick smile. "The King went first. Rightfully so. He got burned at the stake." Her eyes lit up as if remembering something she was proud of and I felt like I was going to throw up. " He was taken as a prisoner of war and burned alive in front of so many just to show us how far you were going to go." His... His father? I had to choke back the bile that threatened to rise up in me and she just laughed. "The youngest and the Queen went next. I'm afraid I wasn't there for that one. I heard the little boy clung to his mother for dear life as an arrow pierce both clean through their hearts."

"And you're happy about that?" I was appalled. She just giggled as shrugged. "You really are sick."

"Oh, come now, young prince. They deserved every bit of it. Dark Elves are evil incarnate. There magic, and thus themselves as a whole, is dark and corrupt." She just smiled sadly as she sat down crossed legged like she was going to tell me a story. "We elf as fae to you know. We're all faires. We branched off so long ago though that... we grew into our own kingdom. Even still we can't change our ties to the fairy realm." I narrowed my eyes as she sighed. "Elves are supposed to be light and beautiful. Our magic is good and pure but those dark elves... well they're called that for a reason." Her happy smile was back in full and I frowned. "I should be thanking you, to be honest. After all, it was your great grandfather that killed the witch Calen. That fucking bitch... Don't even get me started on her pathetic excuse for a twin..." I had to stop myself from ripping her fucking head off. I wanted to. Unfortunately, there were two other elves here and I don't even know where I am. Or Dee and Virgil for that matter... If I start something now I could end up putting the others in danger. "I mean at least the witch did something. She fought back. She wasn't even the strongest out of the family and yet she had more gutso then he did. The Demon Prince Vaeril."

"Nia..." The elves by the door started to shake as she just laughed. I didn't know what to feel. I... I did hear about the 'Demon Prince' from my grandfather but... I didn't know... I didn't think. They couldn't be the same. There's just no way Virgil is...

"The demons dead. What's he going to do?"

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now