Virgil (Ch. 42)

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We're running for god knows how long. Dodging blasts that threatened to take us all out and so much more as Roman practically dragged me with him. His touch didn't even hurt anymore. Well... his touch. Who's to say mine didn't hurt him? Regardless he held on tight as we desperately tried to escape the altmer elves. I remember at one point we were passing this lake. It looked familiar even as this blast of energy ripped through it sending water to cascade around us.

We were forced to duck through trees and run down hills as elves chase us. I couldn't tell you when it finally stopped. I couldn't tell you when the blasts ceased. I couldn't even tell you when Roman stopped. I was hunched over in a sputtering mess as I gulped up as much air as I could, my hand never leaving Roman's once. I could feel him rubbing his thumb against my hand as I shook with anxiety.

"A-Are t-they gone?" I choked out as I finally managed to slow my heart to a healthy rhythm. "D-Did we lose them?" 

"No really." I glanced up to see Roman pointing out towards this hill. I froze up seeing this line of Altmer Elves staring down at us. "Why are they just standing there?"

"They aren't even attacking?" I looked back at Deceit and my body nearly dropped right then and there. My heart started racing so fast I couldn't feel it. Roman reached out for me but I flinched away unintentionally, causing him to freeze.  There behind Deceit was the blackened and charred remains of the once beautiful and thriving village...


My magic flared out causing shadows to erupt around me as this intense guilt and sadness ripped through me. I was just frozen starring off into the death and decay I had caused. My fault... Calen.

My body moved without my say so. I found myself slowly walking through the rot until I found myself staring at the village square. There sat the broken body of a girl clutching the sword at her side as if it would save her. You'd never know the amazing preservative abilities of an elf. Fairies for how long they live fade to dust the moment they die. Elves... our bodies are eternal only in death. That why we always burned the bodies. We release their magic back into the realm to be reborn later. They... They never burnt hers. This was no longer Gardendale. This was...

The Witches pyre. 

Tears fell just as fast as I did to my knees. I could hear the sound of desperate footstep slowly getting closer until... silence. I could feel the buzz of energy as I looked up towards the sky. I watched as the clouds turned dark pulsing with the same hum I did until the rain began to pour down.

"Vir..." Lightning flashed cutting the voice off and I shuttered. Calen... Kay. I'm so... I'm so sorry. If I never left this never would have happened. You never would have...

"Calen!" I screamed out in pain as all these memories flooded into me and lightning crashed beside me. I didn't flinch. I didn't even notice. I was to lost in the memories. I was right back into the madness. Right back into the War.

"Vae!" I was pulled back from the lake and I frowned seeing this worried look on my sisters face. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was just..."She shook her head as she held my arms tightly. I could see the fear in her. "I'm ok, Kay. Really."

"How was I supposed to know that? You just vanished on me." She started to drag me off back to the village and I tensed up. I wasn't blind to the stares we would get, me more so than her. She was just the Witch... I was the demon prince. The Prince with more power than he could control. The emotionless demon that prayed on the darkness inside everyone. The Prince with no heart.

"Calen, please." I pulled my hand from hers and stood myself up a little straighter. She just narrowed her eyes and looked away. "I understand you're concerned but I am alright. You should be more focused on the people here."

"I can't lose you too, Vae." My ears twitched as people started to whisper. I knew what they were saying. They just don't understand. They couldn't possibly grasp how hard it is for me. I smiled sadly resting my hand on her shoulder as I passed her by.

"You won't. I promise." I walked myself back to the tent and collapsed into the lowely straw cot that I hastily put together. My breathing was uneven and I could see the straw slowly frosting over around me. Shit...

"Breath, Vae. Breath." I groaned out trying hard to bury whatever I felt deep inside me. I had to. I couldn't let myself feel. If I felt too strongly about something I lost control. The Heartless Prince... That's me. I can't even let my guard down to let my own sister in. We're all we have left.  I can't... "I'm sorry.

I pushed myself up and out of the tent. I had to do something. I couldn't just sit with my thoughts and fester. So I bought this basket of a little girl, paid way more than I should have but who cares. It's not like she ripped me off. I just handed her the money and she was more than happy to trade. I held the basket tightly as I pushed through the shrubbery an into the woods. I need to keep busy so... Why don't I help Calen out a bit?

I'll collect some herbs. That should help plenty.

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