Virgil (Ch.41)

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I don't remember much. Actually... to be honest, I don't even know if what I did remember was real. It was... hazy. It was like my eyes were covered with this semi-transparent glossy black paper. Lights... I could see these lights. If only them... One brighter than ANY of the rest. He was... like a sun. The light burned my skin as I smiled. It was too bright. Way too bright. It needs to be darker. I need it to be darker. Take out the smaller ones. Then go for the sun. 

I took off running straight for one of the smaller lights, summoning dark blades. As I went to strike, the sun flashed appearing right before me holding his arms up crossed to block my blades from meeting its mark. He had this sad look in his eyes. His... his golden eyes. I jumped back, pointing at the sun sending Dark orbs right at him. He didn't move. The orbs pierced his body but all that did was make the light brighter.

I heard someone scream out but I couldn't tell you what they said. As soon as the words reached my ears they were forgotten. I narrowed my eyes focusing on as many lights as I could. Like homing beacons, I planted a dark sprout of sorts. I was far too outmatched. The dark sprouts festered with this light growing stronger with each passing second, responding to the dark energy that I was expelling. 

"Virgil." This voice reached my ears drawing my attention and I frowned. "Virgil, it's ok."

What? What is? I looked around noticing one of the other lights closest to me start to move. It wasn't until after that I realized I was talking. The words just never stuck for me to remember. Only his. Only... the sun voice seemed to stay. As if the very sound dug into my mind begging to bring some light into the darkness that filled everything. Something flashed and I spun around grabbing this light by the throat. His mismatched eyes filled with fear as his light slowly started to fade. 

"VIRGIL!" I dropped the snake man with a frown as I threw my arm out sending a blast of energy into the sun and everyone he was in front of. I was sick of his interruptions.

I heard screams. I couldn't tell you who it was though. It could have even been me. It probably was because I opened my eyes to find myself on my knees. Time having past without any memory of it. Cuts littered my arms as this intense burning wrapped around my wrists. As if some kind of fire had held my wrists tight. My throat felt sore and I frowned looking up to find only two lights left. The sun... and the snake.

The sun knelt down in front of me with this pained look. He reached out letting his hand hover over my skin. Even without him touching me the heat he let off burned and I winced. 

"I'm sorry." I narrowed my eyes as tears fell from his. Sounds filled the space around us and I just assumed I must have said something. Well. I might have but I knew the snake did. Words I that slipped passed before I could grab hold and register. "I didn't mean to... Virgil?" My mind finally registered the true pain my wrists were in and I cried out bending over. My skin was bleeding through the burnt cracks that wrapped around it entirely. The burning dug deep into me spreading through as if my own blood was boiling. It hurt. The... Light hurt. It was as if my body craved to have it. Craved to be in the light, only for the light to reject me. "Virgil you... You just have to hold on ok?" Everything was getting hazy and my own mind seemed to shut down. Why did I have to hold on? What was I waiting for? What... My arm tensed up as light started to slowly fill the sky. It burned. It burned so much. I couldn't help but cry. "I'm sorry... I... an't... el... Vir..."

I screamed out as my body burned with pain. I couldn't hear anything anymore. I couldn't hear. I couldn't see. The black filled my vision as if trying to latch on to whatever it could. I couldn't feel anything the pain. It was getting hard to breath. I couldn't focus. Not that I could focus on anything anyway. I was alone into the painful black wasteland of my own mind. 

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now