Roman (Ch. 5)

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  "King Thomas Sanders of the human race! Today you pay for the crimes committed by your Grandfather." I watched as the one in the middle lifted her hands to her hood and removed it. Revealing a very familiar face underneath. "And the ones you remain committing today."

"Maya what is the meaning of this?!" I yelled out as I took a step closer. She looked at me and I saw nothing but hate. I saw a darkness in her I never saw before. Or more likely, never allowed myself to see. "I thought we were friends."

"We are... " Her face darkened as she looked away. She removed a hand from under her cloak to reveal a large crystal. Virgil tensed up and walked out in front of me, blocking me from her line of sight.

"Where the fuck did you get that?" Deceit tried to pull Virgil away but he stayed planted right where he was. I watched as Patton made his way over to where my father was, but what got me the most was how different Virgil was acting. He seemed to shy and awkward. It was like he was so anxious all the time but now he was strong, brave... Angry. "WHERE?!"

"The old elven ruins..." Maya called out as she held the crystal out in front of her with pride. Virgils eyes went wide and he stumbled back. He started shaking his head and Maya started to get confused.

"Why..." Virgil barely whispered it. He reached up towards his hair but stopped and looked down. "Why would go get that of all things?"

"Oh, so you know what this is?" I was lost. It was just some dumb rock, right? All I know is my friend was currently holding us hostage and wanted my father dead. I don't know what to do? "And why is tha..."

"It's Elves like you that are the problem." My eyes widened as Virgil said that. I saw the look on Deceits face and I had to wonder. Why was Deceit trying so hard to get Virgil out of this? I get it you know. They're brothers, but something just seems... more. Maya practically growled.


"I know plenty." This was the first time I saw Virgil as someone the be feared. I guess everyone is capable of... anything. It wasn't just Virgil who surprised me. Not that is was hard, I hardly knew the guy to begin with. 

"Sure you do..." Maya was visibly shaken. The other two elves just stood there ignoring the commotion. Their only job was to lock him in and the guards out. Everyone else was pressed up against the wall trying to stay out of the line of fire, while my father and King Patton where front and center. King Patton was just staring at Virgil, worry and desperation in his eyes. My father just stood there, eyes closed and waiting. Why is he just waiting, he should be... "Did you know that Elves have long lives. They live forever... Well or close enough."

"What's that have to..." I started but Virgil held his arm out, cutting me off. I just looked at him with confusion. He just stared at Maya with a neutral expression.


"So you decide to trespass and steal?!" Virgil's voice boomed out like a speaker with the bass turned all the way up. It was loud and commanding. The voice of a royal. "Now is not the time for revenge."

"I still remember the screams..." My eyes widened as her voice dropped. "I was only a child. Not yet 5 years old when they came. They burnt my village to the ground. My parents... My sister... And you dare to say that?!"

"You think yours was bad?!" Virgil took another step forward and Deceits eyes went wide. "You were 5... I was 15. I remember it all!" Wait, what?! I know that Patton said he was his son and all and faires have the longest lives out of all the races but... I thought Virgil was human. I looked over at Patton and his eyes were dark. Logan wasn't even looking, what's going on here?

"I doubt that." Maya scowled and Virgil's eyes narrowed.

"You're what, a wood elf? Which village? Daran, Fellview... Maybe you're from Gardendale..." Maya's eyes darkened and I instantly cringed. "Gardendale, I see. Your right that one was... bad."

"BAD! They obliterated it. All because the Royal twins decided to show up." What are they talking about? The royal twins? The royal family didn't have twins... at least not the humans.

"Wait you blame them?!" Virgil yelled again and this time the lights began to flicker. "You blame them for what happened?"

"Yes I do and Calen is the worst of all!" Virgil stood there, eyes narrowed and hands in a fist. The air started to get thick as energy began to pulse about the room. It was so much no one could determine where is it coming from. I had a guess though. After all, I stood there watching as his ears began to lengthen. Now I know why he was wearing a hat earlier, and why he tried so hard to hide them. He was an elf. Shortly after that though they went back to how they were. I don't understand how he can make them look human in the first place. Luckily I don't think anybody else noticed. I would hate to think how they would treat him after what happening now.

  "Do not EVER BLAME CALEN For what happened there!" 

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