Roman (Ch.6)

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"Do not EVER BLAME CALEN For what happened there! She died trying to save everyone she could. And that included... myself."

"You were there?"

"It was my fault!"Maya's eyes went wide and the other elves seemed to have faltered a bit at that. "I went out to get some herbs, and I got a little to close to the humans. I thought I got away but when I saw the fire... My sister, she..."

"VIRGIL!" King Patton yelled out before Virgil could finish his sentence. Everyone just stared at Virgil with confusion. Everyone except his family... and Maya. Who now looked at him with rage. She once again held up the crystal and I watched as it began to glow. Virgil smirked, closing his eyes and putting his hands in his pocket.

"Your fault?" Virgil nodded, running a hand through his slicked back messy hair making some of it fall in his face slightly curled. His smirk growing slightly as he opened his eyes to reveal that they were now red. If it weren't for the situation we were in... Actually now I would say it anyway. He looked hot. He looked scary. Hot and Scary! Who is this guy?

"Vaeril..." Maya growled, her eyes glowing yellow as Virgil scowled. Who's Vaeril? What's going on here? Maya looked down at the crystal and smiled widely it was sickening. Next thing I knew this bright white blast came shooting out of it towards us. Deceit pushed me out of the way knocking the both of us into punch bowl. Well, there goes my best white suit.

"Virgil!" King Patton came flying in knocking Virgil out of the way of the blast. It hit the wall and I watched as crystals formed at the site.

"DAD?!" I looked over to see Virgil staring in horror at Patton's wing. He didn't get out of the way in time. The light had touched his wing. It looked almost like glass as the crystals began to slowly crawl across his wing. It stretched and wrapped around his face, covering his eye like an off looking Phantom of the opera mask. 

I made my way over to them to try to help but that's when I noticed the light. I turned just in time to see My father looking back. A smile on his face as the light from the crystal slammed into his back. He stood there protecting us, shielding all three of us from the light as he himself began to crystallize. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything. I just watched as the last bit of my father turned to glass. 

Next thing I knew there was this crashing sound. My eyes went wide in utter fear but it wasn't my father and it wasn't Patton. That's when I saw King Logan holding on to a very pissed Maya. The other two elves were on the floor held down by the only two guards that were in the room at the time. The doors were finally opened and the crowd of people rushed out and more guards came in only to find there king a damn statue.

I was in shock. I couldn't understand or grasp anything that happened. I watched as a very shaky and sick looking Virgil walked over to the now broken crystal. He bent down and grabbed a piece of it.  He stood up and turned toward Maya. I couldn't see his face but I could imagine the emotion. Maya looked terrified. She looked like Virgil was going to kill her. I wouldn't be surprised. That's how I feel. She's lucky, I'm too shaken to even move.

Deceit came over, drenched in punch, and pulled Virgil away. Virgil honestly looked like he was about to drop. He was shaking and barely able to walk himself. not to mention... His ears were once again back to being Elven.

"Why Maya?" I barely whispered as the guards began to take her away, passing right by me. "Why?"

"Simple... Revenge... Watch your back Roman." I looked up to see a small smile on her face. The same smile she always used to gave me. It pissed me off. "We aren't the only ones who want revenge. They won't stop till you've all paid." Her eyes darkened again and see the rage rolling off of her. "And tell Vaeril... I'll see him in hell!"

There was a burst of light and soon all three elves were completely covered in flames. Screams filled the room as the smell of ash made e me so sick I threw up. All the noise and commotion didn't stop me from noticing the crystal though. I turned just to watch it melt into nothing. 

Patton's half glass and falling fast...

Dad's completely glass and gone...

The weapon or catalyst or whatever is gone and...

What do I do to fix this?

*Discontinued* CursedWhere stories live. Discover now