Roman (Ch.36)

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"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" The sprite laughed a bit as I started freaking out. Vae just took out thousands of fighters with one move and literally no effort.

"Have you figured out what their power is?" I was just... frozen. Virgil... That shy ass looking elf that so soft and kind heart... WAS THAT STRONG?! "Roman?" I looked back over at him and he sighed shaking his head. "You weren't paying attention were you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was I supposed to seeing something other than Virgil completely decimating the battlefield AFTER GETTING STUCK BY LIGHTNING?!" If you couldn't tell I was having a hard time wrapping my head around this. "I thought Dark elves controlled the dark... You said they controlled the dark..." I pointed awkwardly out at the man in front of me in total confusion. "That wasn't darkness."

"No... That was light." I froze up with my eyes wide as the sprite smiled sadly. "The Drows magic is light, Roman. Not Darkness. They control Darkness... because all it is, simply put, the absence of light. You can't have darkness without light. Just as you can't have Light without darkness"

"I am..." I was pretty much numb. "...lost." They just sighed as the world melted to black. "Explain... please?"

"Ok... To start... What did it look like Vae was doing before the lighting?" I frowned as I tried to work through my thoughts. The first thing he did was create a dark disk-like thing that blasted through the crowd. That was clearly shadow control though. The sprite nodded along hearing my mental babble as if I was talking out loud. Then... After that, he seemed to... I don't know. "What did it look like, Roman?" He looked like he was using the shadows to or something to paralyze the battlefield and make a storm? But that's not possible. Darkness doesn't... "What he really did was steal the light in everyone."

"I'm sorry what?" The sprite groaned in frustration as I shot him this confused look.

"Scientifically speaking... of sorts... Vae drew the light people had in their hearts into himself creating an aura of darkness around them. For which he manipulated to freeze, causing everyone to become paralyzed in a sense." That's... fucking op, what the hell? They laughed slightly as they looked up. "The storm, however easy it was for him to do, was not something so easily pulled off. Even if it is still a matter of control. He would have had to pinpoint several particles of water in a cloud. He would have taken all the light out of it all those single droplets, and thus all heat, turning them into ice particles. Then manipulate the darkness around them within the cloud to cause them to move to create friction. The friction created a charge, in which he could have boosted with the light he had stolen, creating enough of a charge to... jumpstart a literal thunderstorm."

"That is possible. No one..."

"You're right. No one but the Royal heir could have done it." I frowned as the sprite sighed. "Roman, I have stated before that Vaeril was loved by the realm. He holds the promise of the ENTIRE elven race. As heir to the throne, he inherits the collective strength of the elven race. Just as you do for the humans. What have those morons been teaching you? Do you even know the humans base of magic?"

"Humans don't have magic." They froze frowning as I raised an eyebrow at them. "We don't possess any."

"Than what exactly would you call psychics?" I laughed causing him to frown more as he got this look of defeat.

"Liars. Humans do not possess magic. It is impossible."

"Whoever told you that needs to be slapped upside the head right off a steep cliff into icy waters filled with sharks." They sighed as they pinched the bridge of their nose. I took a step back, to be honest. The way they just calmly said that with a blank face was scary. "Psychic's are real. They're people who have found their connection to the magic around them that's all." They laughed a bit as the lazily pointed at me. "Roman, you're psychic."

"I'm sorry but no. I don't predict the future. I don't read minds. I sure as hell don't see the dead."

"You know things you shouldn't. Like with Remi?" I froze up as my blood went cold hearing them laugh some more. "Like how you could hear a bird singing and know what it was saying even if you didn't understand it. Or how you knew what the elves were thinking about without actually hearing their thoughts. Or the fact that you can feel what others are feeling just as easily as you can feel the energy around you. Or how about the..."

"Ok, I get it..."

"...the fact that you knew Nia had a knife when you were blindfolded." They stopped for a second realizing I had spoken and just shook their head. "No, I don't think you do. Roman you literally pulled Virgil consciousness to you as he slept. Then when you wanted to see him again, you did it again. This time pulling him into your mind space." I will admit even knowing that I had done that, it seemed... far fetched. "And about that how 'predict the future' crap... What do you call that bad feeling you have?" My eyes went wide as it clicked. "You've been feeling like something bad was coming. That something was going to happen. How is that not a prediction? Roman your mind is incredible. And... You don't even realize."

"Yes but that's because I'm a royal treasure." They just shook their head and I frowned. "Isn't it."

"I will admit. The level and strength of the magic you possess are due to the transference." I rolled my eyes and they groaned. "Roman you're not... The treasures are only a catalyst. They hold the culmination of all the magic that the race possesses. It's literally the races magic in a physical form. That's why only one of that race can hold the treasure. If the human had no magic neither would you."

"But humans..."

"...are extraordinary beings." They cut me off as they through their arms out with a smile. "The things you humans can do with just a simple thought. Your creativity and imagination... Your race has created works of art and have accomplished feats no other race ever even dreamed of." Their eyes went soft as they laughed quietly. "Roman the base of your races magic is the mind."

*Discontinued* CursedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin